They were in Weehawken, NJ, Burr with fire in his usually calm eyes and Hamilton with tears in his, which were usually filled with pride. Hamilton's political interest was to let Burr live, but Burr's sense of mercy for the poor man was blinded by anger.
He thought to himself This man will not make an orphan of my daughter
They counted ten paces as they turned around quickly, and right as Hamilton's gun was in the air-
The bullet barely missed his heart by about an inch. Burr looked with joy, but as Hamilton's eyes looked up at him, he knew he had just made the worst mistake of his life. Hamilton then dropped limp as Nathaniel Pendleton and Hamilton's doctor caught him before he hit the ground. He was surprisingly light for a grown man, especially one as young as 47. Burr felt tears running down his face as he watched his fatally wounded opponent be dragged into a boat and sailed back to New York.
Hamilton woke up, his vision blurred for all he could see was fuzzy images of his surroundings as he looked around. His head and chest ached as he looked around the white area, occasionally seeing red on the walls, or what he could only assume were walls.
Where am I?
He saw a blue and black figure leaning over him as he faintly heard crying noises, those of which sounded like-
"Eliza?" he asked, his voice hoarse from pain and exhaustion. The figure slightly moved, but he still couldn't make out what it was. He saw another figure, which was dark brown and a darker shade of blue than the one leaned over on him.
"Alexander?", said one of the figures, of which he was now sure was Eliza. "Alexander! I thought you were dead. Don't ever scare me like that again!"
"Mom, calm down. He just woke up and probably has a head ache and you screaming at him probably isn't helping." said the other figure, which sounded like Philip.
Hamilton tried to reach out to Eliza to comfort her, but he noticed his hand was twitching and shaking uncontrollably, so he used his left. It felt uncomfortable at first, but when he figured out where her cheek was, it made things a lot easier. "I'm right here, Eliza. I'm here and I'm okay" he assured her.
He saw Eliza move and then put his glasses on him. He saw everything much more clearly now. He also saw he was in some sort of hospital. Explained the crying and the white and red.
Just then, the doctor came in, surprised but relieved to see his patient alive and well. "Good evening, Mr. Hamilton. Your reports have come in and, well, would you like the good or bad news first?" Hamilton was shocked at the slightest hint of bad news, but he had to answer the question. "Good news" he replied. "Well, the good news is, you are going to live. The bad news is, it might only be for, at least, two years." Two years wasn't long, but it was enough for him to get his work done, if working was even an option in his condition. Maybe he could just stay home and rest and take care of his kids. No, if he wanted to keep said home and kids, he needed to work.
Meanwhile, Jefferson was in the White House with Burr and Madison.
"Hey, Burr, why the long face. Is it about not being voted president again, because, again, your vice president. That's still a pretty high rank." Jefferson said, with his usual condescending smirk.
"No, Jefferson, it's not that. It's something else." said Burr in an annoyed but somber tone.
Madison looked surprised at the newspaper he was reading. "I think this has something to do with it."
Jefferson and Burr looked over to the paper, shocked as well as they saw the headline.
U.S. Vice President Shoots and Fatally Wounds A.Hamilton
The picture underneath was just as shocking, showing the event in full detail.
Jefferson took awhile to read the article, surprisingly looking relieved to read the part where it said Hamilton lived. "Wow" was all he could muster. Madison looked at Burr with a surprising look of confusion, while Jefferson with some sort of anger. "What the fuck were ya thinkin', Burr! Ya nearly killed the poor man!" Burr was confused, and so was Madison. Normally, Jefferson would be laughing his ass off saying how weak or stupid Hamilton was, but instead he was mad at Burr for shooting him, like he cared for him.
"Jefferson, calm down. It was a duel. These things happen in duels. Just leave Burr alone."
It took about an hour to calm Jefferson down, but he finally did after several attempts to attack Burr with his cane and even his bare hands.
A few weeks later, Hamilton was back in his own bed, with his own life back. He found out he now had an inability to balance for some reason the doctors could not explain, so he had to use a cane now. As he laid in bed, he heard a knock on the door. He got up to open it, but Eliza yelled to him that she would, so he sat back down on the bed.
It's probably Angelica with flowers and a "Get Well Soon" card.
But just as he stopped thinking about it, he saw his door open. It was Burr.
"Hamilton, you look worse than I thought!" Burr exclaimed. "Now, I know I may look a little bad to you and you may be a little mad, but I assure yo-"
Hamilton was furious at even the sight of Burr right now. "A little mad?! A LITTLE MAD?! You have caused me permanent pain and damage not only to my physical being, but to my family as well and you are such an imbecile that you could even assume that I'm just A LITTLE MAD!? I'M FUCKING FURIOUS! If I wasn't a respectable, dignified adult man I would impale you with this cane right now!"
It took Burr by surprise. He could see the hatred in Hamilton's eyes through the glasses he so rarely wore in the past. He realized he pushed this man as far as he could go, and that speech he gave just let him know. Hamilton's is a mess now he could see it was his fault.
"I'm sorry." Burr said before he left, knowing now he was unwanted.
I' m so sorry.
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