4 episodes
Episode 1
Two Crows - Cover
Feb 19, 20197.6k views
Episode 2
Two Crows: pt 1
Feb 19, 2019701 views
Episode 3
Two Crows: pt 2
Feb 19, 2019508 views
Episode 4
Two Crows - pt 3
Feb 19, 2019869 views
Honouring Wishes is a collection of comics inspired by From Software's 2015 title, Bloodborne. Drawn by Eli, an artist from the magical snowy land of Cainhurst--er, Canada.
Many of the stories told in From's games leave blanks for the player to fill. I've taken liberties with how I've filled them--hopefully they're still enjoyable to you.
Thank you truly for reading, Good Hunter. May you always find your worth in the waking world.
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Honouring Wishes is a collection of comics inspired by From Software's 2015 title, Bloodborne. Drawn by Eli, an artist from the magical snowy land of Cainhurst--er, Canada.
Many of the stories told in From's games leave blanks for the player to fill. I've taken liberties with how I've filled them--hopefully they're still enjoyable to you.
Thank you truly for reading, Good Hunter. May you always find your worth in the waking world.
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