As long as I can remember I never had any issues fitting in anywhere. I had always been a shy kid, but I had all my friends. Never once was I hated or bullied. After college I looked and looked for a place to call my own, finally, after months of looking here, I was the place I would call home sweet home.
After settling all my stuff in is when I noticed I had moved straight into wolf central, not one or two but more like hundreds. You would think to be a cat I would have sensed all the dogs, but I didn't. I was far to wrapped up in having my little piece of heaven. I had to admit that's what it was, My beautiful little house backed into the forest meaning I could shift and hang out in the trees, or I could have before I found out about the wolves. No doubt the interactions between myself and the mutts would be stressed and awkward. Regards to who my new neighbours were I would make this work, I had to make this work.
Quietly I made my way outside and into the forest. A few wolves had been surveying me. Their scent floated over my stuff and threw my house. I decided a quick run would destress my inner cat and help me think clearer. Thus that's how I ended up outside peeling off my clothing and shifting into my Panther. No sooner did I shift and my senses were battered by many scents of wolves, My inner cat slowly sniffed taking in all the scents and listening for any kind of movement that would suggest I was in any kind of danger. Once realizing I was alone I climbed a shorter tree and laid on a branch. The birds cried out warning cried to their surrounding fellow birds. this made me amused because they didn't even know how fast I could munch them up, I mean if I was interested in eating boney little birds.
Slowly I crawled out of the tree as I scent I could resist floated into my nose. My paws took me down the tree and deeper into the forest. A field lay just a few feet away, I watched as someone rode around on a riding lawn mower cutting and grinding up catnip, my drug.
The person's eyes locked with mine and I took off. it took a lot to resist the pull of the need for catnip. using my nose I found my way back to my house grabbing my clothing and shifting on the back porch before going in. The moment I opened the door it was easy to smell that someone had entered my space, they left their scent all over the place. They handle the stayed longer, but long enough to touch some of my belongings. Their scent was Woody and Smokey in the best ways. My inner cat wasn't displeased with the scent but displeased with the fact they had entered my territory without so much of an invite and touched my belongings.
That was a no-no.
The sunroom had to be my favourite part of the whole house because it got midday sun, the best kind of Sun. After setting up a couch in there I found the best napping spot and laid down. After a few minutes of pure silence and warmth, my nap was interrupted by growling and fighting.
I crawled off the couch and cracked my back before really looking to see what the trouble was. My eyes locked on two large wolves attacking each other in the back area a few feet from the sunroom. They charged at each other and gave me quite a good look at their wolves. They were both good sized and very healthy. They also were. very skilled in combat I noticed as they continued. After they started to get to close to the sunroom I opened one of the windows and screamed.
"If y'all want to fight and make noise kindly take it off my yard and back into the woods where you won't cause damage."
They stopped and I was eye to eye with two large male wolves who had joy in their eyes. Their tails swayed as they looked at me, suddenly I felt like a play toy. I closed the window with a slam. The wolves were gone by the time I got to the back door and outside. No doubt they had run off to tell their leader about me. Again I caused more trouble for myself much as I did in college. Flashbacks of when they searched my dorm room on the subject of me doing drugs and all they found were heaping amounts of catnip. I mean that was a strange story I had to tell, I could lie in a pinch but it seemed to lie only got me in more trouble because they accused me of having a cast living in my dorm and proceeded to make weekly room visits to make sure I was keeping to the rules.
The hair on my neck stood up as a chill ran threw me, I had a feeling the show was about to begin and I was going to be the main star.
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