6 episodes
Episode 1
Mar 26, 2018255 views
Episode 2
How To: Clip an Image into your work
Mar 26, 2018135 views
Episode 3
How To: Facial Proportions (Part 1)
Mar 26, 2018130 views
Episode 4
How To: Facial Proportions (Part 2)
Mar 26, 2018137 views
Episode 5
How To: Understand Facial Emotions
Mar 28, 2018229 views
Episode 6
I'm Back!!
Mar 26, 2019189 views
I'll be teaching you how to draw/create anything step by step and whatever else I throw in there. I hope to really help anyone who is either new to art or struggling with it. Art is such a fun career and I hope to inspire many on this journey!
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I'll be teaching you how to draw/create anything step by step and whatever else I throw in there. I hope to really help anyone who is either new to art or struggling with it. Art is such a fun career and I hope to inspire many on this journey!
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