8 episodes
Episode 1
00| Prologue
Mar 20, 2022806 views
Episode 2
Character Profiles
Mar 24, 2022261 views
Episode 3
1.1| Enrol yourself into the most ambitious School of Arts
Mar 28, 2022198 views
Episode 4
1.2| Enrol yourself into the most ambitious School of Arts
Mar 31, 2022161 views
Episode 5
2.1 | Try not to find your wet roommate attractive.
Apr 04, 2022164 views
Episode 6
2.2 | Try not to find your wet roommate attractive.
Apr 07, 2022151 views
Episode 7
3.1 | Try not to embarrass yourself
Apr 11, 2022123 views
Episode 8
3.2 | Try not to embarrass yourself
Apr 14, 2022101 views
Jedidiah Woods didn't think his life could get any worse than being banished to a fancy, International School for rich, talented kids. And yes, maybe he was whining, but he had a reason to, plenty reasons actually. Reasons like he didn't want this. Any of it, he didn't want to be the new famous kid in Bradford, he also didn't want to suddenly find himself craving the attention of the school's most coveted star and he especially didn't want to find his somewhat semi-normal new life threatened by a stranger who held his memories. But who ever said we get what we want? Now with a new life, a new interest and an invisible past, poisoning an artist is just one of the many things Jedidiah is going to have to learn about, in Bradford School of Arts.
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2023 Inksgiving Rewards:
10 000: Reveal for the cover of The boyfriend shirt
20 000: 1 NSFW Holiday Episode
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Jedidiah Woods didn't think his life could get any worse than being banished to a fancy, International School for rich, talented kids. And yes, maybe he was whining, but he had a reason to, plenty reasons actually. Reasons like he didn't want this. Any of it, he didn't want to be the new famous kid in Bradford, he also didn't want to suddenly find himself craving the attention of the school's most coveted star and he especially didn't want to find his somewhat semi-normal new life threatened by a stranger who held his memories. But who ever said we get what we want? Now with a new life, a new interest and an invisible past, poisoning an artist is just one of the many things Jedidiah is going to have to learn about, in Bradford School of Arts.
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