3 episodes
Episode 1
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Part 1
May 22, 2019796 views
Episode 2
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing, Part 2
Jun 03, 2019221 views
Episode 3
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing, Part 3
Aug 28, 2019125 views
Red is a huntsman, protector of the innocent and destroyer of the wicked, sworn to a life bound to a sordid end. Yet when he comes face to face with a creature that he has no interest in felling, the certainty that he'd had all of his life crumbles. Tangled in a web of lies and deceit that may bring about the end of all Creation, Red seeks the truth alongside the one who may be the death of him.
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My dream has always been to write stories to share them with others. Any support provided goes towards that dream, and I can't thank you enough for helping out.
Red is a huntsman, protector of the innocent and destroyer of the wicked, sworn to a life bound to a sordid end. Yet when he comes face to face with a creature that he has no interest in felling, the certainty that he'd had all of his life crumbles. Tangled in a web of lies and deceit that may bring about the end of all Creation, Red seeks the truth alongside the one who may be the death of him.
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