Have you ever had to watch someone you love dearly leave you? Someone that meant the world to you? I have.
His name is Tony. I was only six years old when I met Tony and it started with a fight. I didn't like him and I felt he was full of himself. What was more annoying - he was my new neighbor and classmate which means it was difficult to avoid him.
Later, he came to me directly and asked me, "Will you be my friend?". I would never forget that day.
He knew I didn't like him yet he wanted to be friends with me. It made me think that he wasn't so bad which made me accept his friendship request. Almost immediately, we started hanging out and the closer we became, the more I realized that he was cool.
"Why bea?", he would always tease me. Bea was my nickname and the first time I told him that, he laughed at it. That was what started our fight when we first met.
"Tris sounds better.", he would always say.
He gave me my nickname - Tris.
The more I got to know Tony, the more I liked him and it didn't hurt that we were neighbors and our parents were friends too.
Over the next ten years, Tony and I became the best of friends. He knew how to make me smile, laugh and was also a pro at being annoying but I loved all of that about him.
We did so many things together - danced in the rain, gazed at the stars and said wishes, stabbed classes, lied to cover up for one another and made many promises to stand by each other no matter what.
My feelings for him slowly turned into something else, something more than just friendship. I knew what I was feeling but I denied it. But the more I denied it, the stronger my feelings grew. When I finally decided to accept my feelings for him and tell him how I felt, he told me the most heartbreaking news at that time. He was to leave for another country.
When he told me, my heart sank but I forced a smile and told him it was fine, that I was happy for him. It wasn't true but I couldn't ask him to stay. That would have been selfish of me.
When the time finally came for us to part ways, it was hard for me. Way harder than I had imagined it to be. I wanted him to stay but I knew I had to let him go. I went to the airport to see him one last time before sending him off. When he saw me, he was so excited and hugged me and said, "You came!"
"Of course", I replied him. "I have to say goodbye to you one last time.", I continued.
"Don't say goodbye!", he countered.
"This is not the end. Nothing is going to change, I promise.", he smiled before pulling me into a hug one last time which made my eyes glisten with tears.
He then turned around and started to leave. I held my tears as I watched him leave, I didn't want that to be the last image he had of me before leaving. But I couldn't hold it anymore and I called out to him.
"Call me everyday!", I yelled as the tears started to trickle down my cheeks.
"I will.", he replied smiling back at me.
"He said he would call me everyday.", I continued reassuring myself until he was out of sight.
But that didn't happen. After he left, I didn't hear from him. I waited everyday for his call or just a message but it never came. At first, I was angry at him for not calling then I was worried about him then I was sad.
We were slowly drifting apart and I hated it. All of the plans and promises we made has gone down the drain.
We're both grown now, and so much time has passed, so much has changed but one thing stayed the same - my feelings for him. All I have left is pictures and memories of him that I hold on to when I miss him. I still think of him on good days, he crosses my mind on bad days.
No matter how hard I try, I just cannot forget him. I just wish...I wish we could be friends again. I am waiting, waiting for him to come back home...to come back to me because even after all this time, I still love him.
Two childhood friends - Tony and Tris get separated as teenagers and lose contact with each other. Ten years later, they hear from each other and reconnect. When their feelings for each other resurface, the distance between them becomes a challenge.
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