On this week, every year a great festival was held in the center of our city. Many adventurers would travel for weeks on end to come for this one event. It attracted the strongest of the strong and occasionally some of the smartest. There was no tournament or parade that coursed through the city. Instead, a demonic statue was unveiled directly in the center of our townsquare.
As a young girl, the statue by all means should have terrified me. It displayed a man whose body was covered in scars, his bones seemed to splinter from sections of his body. Large reptilian wings sprawled from his back and cast a large shadow over the surrounding area. Despite how weak the statue looked, it was indestructable. There were sections, like his arm which was attached by only a thread of stoney skin that would never allow the detached arm to fully leave the body.
Every year, men of strength would try their hardest to break the statue. Men of brains would conduct various tests and experiments. Men of magic would cast almost nuclear explosions. Anything was allowed in an attempt to break the statue.
I had once asked my mother why everyone was so obsessed with the statue. Her only reply was that of a fairy tale. "A demon rose from the ground and stole the light from our savior. Before dying, he incased his body in stone. Now our only hope cannot rise again without regaining what he has lost."
A tale I'd heard for years, and apparently it had been passed on for generations. This world, which we'd call Hell, trapped its occupants. And when someone who could bring us to Heaven finally arose, a demon stole his life.
However, whether you believed the stories, or were terrified of the look of the demon. No one could deny that the face of the demon statue was one of a pure victorious grin.
If you lived in a world with monsters, magic, and a very large tower, what would you really do?
Would you become the knight on a quest to conquer the tower and thus save the world?
Would you build a harem of women you'd never get in your old world?
Or, would you become a twisted blacksmith and hope to consume the world before it consumes you?
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