5 episodes
Episode 1
Blue Demon (source of water)—Chapter 1: "A Man Who Lost (Eclipse of Dawn)"
Sep 29, 2024389 views
Episode 2
Blue Demon (source of water)—Chapter 2: "Sofia"
Oct 01, 2024134 views
Episode 3
Blue Demon (source of water)—Chapter 3: "Miss Nameless"
Oct 30, 202472 views
Episode 4
Blue Demon (source of water)—Chapter 4: "The Kariel Family & the Lost Soul""
Nov 22, 202450 views
Episode 5
Dec 17, 20243 views
“Amidst an ongoing apocalypse, the advanced city of Megma stands isolated from the world beyond. But as the disaster strikes and the city falls apart—four inhabitants of Megma are thrown off from their lavish lifestyles to be mere survivors in an uncharted journey.
Among them are three siblings—bound not by blood but an oath—and a lost soul named Sofia. Through the encroaching darkness of miseries, they seek for a candle of hope and encounter the Earth Wizard.
Despite the clash of supernatural powers, the FOUR Spirit Wizards and the Blue Demon — the story follows the metamorphoses of two characters - John Kariel and the Earth Wizard. Who share almost the same past but have grown entirely distinct in personality due to their own delusions. Somehow, as they eventually meet, the group of Megma aims to confront the Blue Demon whose ambition remains mysterious, yet threatens to swallow everything in his path. Though the Devil does not intend to wreak havoc or conquer the globe, his eyes are locked on something greater of all that haunts every being in existence.
With every step, the tragedies unfold, and strategies are tested, sinking the group of Megma and the ultimate protagonist, Earth Wizard, deeper into dark events that raises their doubts—Is Blue Demon truly their target? Or fate has destined them for something far beyond a mere battle of Superiority?
Join the Inhabitants of Megma on this journey of courage, powers, devotion, and mind as they place their faith in the Earth Wizard to unravel hidden realities while they confront it all together—in search of the WELL.”
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“Amidst an ongoing apocalypse, the advanced city of Megma stands isolated from the world beyond. But as the disaster strikes and the city falls apart—four inhabitants of Megma are thrown off from their lavish lifestyles to be mere survivors in an uncharted journey.
Among them are three siblings—bound not by blood but an oath—and a lost soul named Sofia. Through the encroaching darkness of miseries, they seek for a candle of hope and encounter the Earth Wizard.
Despite the clash of supernatural powers, the FOUR Spirit Wizards and the Blue Demon — the story follows the metamorphoses of two characters - John Kariel and the Earth Wizard. Who share almost the same past but have grown entirely distinct in personality due to their own delusions. Somehow, as they eventually meet, the group of Megma aims to confront the Blue Demon whose ambition remains mysterious, yet threatens to swallow everything in his path. Though the Devil does not intend to wreak havoc or conquer the globe, his eyes are locked on something greater of all that haunts every being in existence.
With every step, the tragedies unfold, and strategies are tested, sinking the group of Megma and the ultimate protagonist, Earth Wizard, deeper into dark events that raises their doubts—Is Blue Demon truly their target? Or fate has destined them for something far beyond a mere battle of Superiority?
Join the Inhabitants of Megma on this journey of courage, powers, devotion, and mind as they place their faith in the Earth Wizard to unravel hidden realities while they confront it all together—in search of the WELL.”
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