2 episodes
In the Jaws, a world based into the future where the human species begins failing and scientists turn to evolve the species. Though, not for the greater good.
Meet Subject R-5908, aka Rustel, one of the few science experiments that have managed to escape from the research facility and has since been hunted down by many people, from those who want to contain him, to those who just want the thrill of the hunt, to know they have an animal as smart as a human but without the consequences of actual murder. A thrill. Uncivilized and untamed, how will Rustel react to the new and unfamiliar environments he wasn't ever used to.
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In the Jaws, a world based into the future where the human species begins failing and scientists turn to evolve the species. Though, not for the greater good.
Meet Subject R-5908, aka Rustel, one of the few science experiments that have managed to escape from the research facility and has since been hunted down by many people, from those who want to contain him, to those who just want the thrill of the hunt, to know they have an animal as smart as a human but without the consequences of actual murder. A thrill. Uncivilized and untamed, how will Rustel react to the new and unfamiliar environments he wasn't ever used to.
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