14 episodes
Episode 1
Nov 25, 20224.9k views
Episode 2
Prologue Pt 1
Nov 25, 20223.2k views
Episode 3
Prologue Pt 2
Nov 25, 20222.2k views
Episode 4
Nov 25, 20221.9k views
Episode 5
Dec 09, 20221.5k views
Episode 6
Dec 16, 20221.4k views
Episode 7
Dec 23, 20221.2k views
Episode 8
Dec 30, 20221.1k views
Episode 9
Jan 06, 20231k views
Episode 10
Mar 10, 2023915 views
Episode 11
character sheet and timeline
Mar 11, 2023932 views
Episode 12
Mar 12, 2023935 views
Episode 13
Mar 13, 2023983 views
Episode 14
Mar 14, 20231.2k views
There is a legend that somewhere deep in a forest, a person lives in an old tower where painting is their only passion in life because painting is their only purpose in life. They were cursed with the task to grow flowers anywhere in the world simply by painting them and if they took one step out of the forest in which they live, they would disintegrate. So they stay day and night trapped in the forest, painting and painting, only hoping one day that someone will come to break the curse.
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There is a legend that somewhere deep in a forest, a person lives in an old tower where painting is their only passion in life because painting is their only purpose in life. They were cursed with the task to grow flowers anywhere in the world simply by painting them and if they took one step out of the forest in which they live, they would disintegrate. So they stay day and night trapped in the forest, painting and painting, only hoping one day that someone will come to break the curse.
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