12 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter One~ Enchanted
Jun 23, 2020409 views
Episode 2
Chapter One~ Enchanted cont.
Jun 23, 2020109 views
Episode 3
Chapter Two~ A Business Affair
Jun 23, 202080 views
Episode 4
Chapter Three~A Letter For The Brave
Jun 23, 202085 views
Episode 5
Chapter Four~ Madness & Tea
Jun 23, 202070 views
Episode 6
Chapter Five~ Rain & Waves
Jun 23, 202076 views
Episode 7
Chapter Five~ Rain & Waves 2
Jun 23, 202085 views
Episode 8
Chapter Six~ For Science
Jun 23, 202063 views
Episode 9
Chapter Seven~ Results
Jun 23, 202080 views
Episode 10
Chapter Seven~ Results 2
Jun 23, 2020118 views
Episode 11
Chapter 8~ Interbellum
Jun 23, 2020107 views
Episode 12
Chapter 9~ Respite
Jun 23, 202072 views
excerpt ***
“Tyrian, kiss me.” She said suddenly.
“Soliel?” His eyes were wide with shock.
“Think of it as a science experiment. I would be honored if you would experience this with me.”
“I… Soliel, it’s not that simple.” Soliel's face was full of amusement.
“Dost thou find me agreeable?” Tyrian looked embarrassed. “It’s a simple question. Dost thou?”
“I find you agreeable as well. Your well read, you’re kind to my younger sister, I think that should be enough”
“Yes, a woman will only get one chance at her first kiss, perhaps the only kiss I receive my whole life. I would like it to be someone whom I find agreeable.”
“You want me to kiss you, now?”
“What better time? Madeline and Nan are distracted, Bigsley has gone off somewhere. We may never get another chance to just be who we are. I understand if you won’t do it but I have thought it over and I would like to be as much of myself as possible when someone kisses—” Tyrian closed the gap between them. Her lips were soft against his. She froze in shock for a moment with her eyes open. When he didn’t pull away she let her eyes drift closed and inhaled through her nose. He smelled like winter forest. His mouth was warm and she let him place a hand on her cheek and pull her closer. Soliel’s heart beat hard in her chest, she felt her core ignite and she gently pulled away. “You kissed me.” She whispered in shocked amusement.
“You asked me to.”
“I know.” She said, her voice still low. She could feel his breath on her nose.
“Would you say you enjoyed your experiment?”
“I can’t be sure. Could we really call this an experiment?”
“How do you mean?”
“A science experiment should be repeated if results are to be verified. By duplicating the experiment we can better learn from our findings, improve upon method, and develop skills.”
“Who am I to stand in the way of science.” Tyrian said..
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excerpt ***
“Tyrian, kiss me.” She said suddenly.
“Soliel?” His eyes were wide with shock.
“Think of it as a science experiment. I would be honored if you would experience this with me.”
“I… Soliel, it’s not that simple.” Soliel's face was full of amusement.
“Dost thou find me agreeable?” Tyrian looked embarrassed. “It’s a simple question. Dost thou?”
“I find you agreeable as well. Your well read, you’re kind to my younger sister, I think that should be enough”
“Yes, a woman will only get one chance at her first kiss, perhaps the only kiss I receive my whole life. I would like it to be someone whom I find agreeable.”
“You want me to kiss you, now?”
“What better time? Madeline and Nan are distracted, Bigsley has gone off somewhere. We may never get another chance to just be who we are. I understand if you won’t do it but I have thought it over and I would like to be as much of myself as possible when someone kisses—” Tyrian closed the gap between them. Her lips were soft against his. She froze in shock for a moment with her eyes open. When he didn’t pull away she let her eyes drift closed and inhaled through her nose. He smelled like winter forest. His mouth was warm and she let him place a hand on her cheek and pull her closer. Soliel’s heart beat hard in her chest, she felt her core ignite and she gently pulled away. “You kissed me.” She whispered in shocked amusement.
“You asked me to.”
“I know.” She said, her voice still low. She could feel his breath on her nose.
“Would you say you enjoyed your experiment?”
“I can’t be sure. Could we really call this an experiment?”
“How do you mean?”
“A science experiment should be repeated if results are to be verified. By duplicating the experiment we can better learn from our findings, improve upon method, and develop skills.”
“Who am I to stand in the way of science.” Tyrian said..
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