Inner self
Brandon Okamara and Gavin Oshima were sixteen and eighteen, they seemed like opposites socially but had the same humor. Brandon seemed to always be surrounded by friends while Gavin barely had any, but they remained friends. It was the last day of their junior year, Brandon wanted to skip but his friend convinced him to go.
"Can't believe you're making me go on the last day, what is the point, we're not getting taught and all grades are already in" Gavin rolled his eyes,
"don't be A baby, it's not hard to survive one last day of school" They got off the bus walking to breakfast, Brandon joined his friends while Gavin sat in his first period waiting for the class to start. Just before any other students walked in, the teen noticed A strange book laying on A desk just A few feet away from him. He picked it up and the book was called : "Evocatis Alias Sui" He looked it up...
"Summon outra self" it said on his search results.
"Strange, but at the same time fascinating" The teen put the book in his bag and waited until he got home to go over the book.
He read through its table of contents :
CHAPTER 1...Focusing
CHAPTER 2...Abilities
CHAPTER 3...Summoning
CHAPTER 4...Using without focus
CHAPTER 5...Strengthen your Outra
CHAPTER 6...Outra while unconscious
He spent hours reading through chapter one,
"seems this book is talking about people's inner self, that they are capable of being summoned to the physical world with abilities specific to the personality of the user. Gavin read through the focusing and summoning section... Hmm, so if I call to it...and focus its power, it will come to this world where I can see it, also use their abilities" While Brandon was texting his friends, Gavin was almost finished with the book. It's been A month since summer began. He put A bookmark on the last page before closing it. The teen stood still, he focused as hard as he could but nothing happened.
"Why isn't it working!?" The boy complained, "it said I had to focus my inner last try" Gavin decided to focus calmly instead of putting too much effort into it. Just then an aura of many colors appeared around the boy's body, A smile grew on his face as he noticed his progress. But out of nowhere Gavin fell to his knees out of breath.
"Forgot, in chapter one the book said that new users can be easily drained by their Outra" The weakened boy also saw that his aura had disappeared as well. Taking A break, Gavin went downstairs to see Brandon eating nachos watching A movie.
"What's with you?" the friend asked.
"N-nothing, I just fell out of bed" Gavin responded. His friend stared at him for A second then went back to his movie.
"Do you want something?" He asked just before getting up off the couch.
"Sure, I'll take A bottle of water" Gavin nodded as he walked into the kitchen towards the fridge, for A moment he could feel A warm breeze go by him, but thought it was nothing. The boy handed his friend the water when he saw something in the mirror. For A split second the teen thought he saw A tall figure in armor.
"I'm going to bed dude, see ya later" The boy laid there for A few minutes before he began to hear A voice,
"I know you can hear me. Why avoid my forthcoming? I've always been there... Waiting for my powers to be needed" Gavin could feel something deep inside him, A feeling he had never felt before.
"What are you?" the boy asked,
"my boy, you should know...I am your Outra : Trimo"
"If I summon you, can anyone else see you?"
Trimo replied : "no, only other Outra users are capable of seeing me, or if you actually want them to see me" Gavin took A deep breath,
"come Trimo" the boy announced. The aura returned and he saw A tall figure in armor, he also had A sword with flames radiating off it. The teen's eyes widened at the sight of his Outra, it was seven feet tall, one foot taller than him. He held his hand out to the figure, Trimo shook his hand looking at his user.
"I shall return when you need me" With that, his Outra vanished. The boy fell on his bed quickly falling asleep...The next day Gavin awoke to Brandon reading the Outra book.
"What are you doing?" he asked getting out of bed,
"reading this book I found on your nightstand" The teen was A little unsure about his friend reading the book but he decided to forget about it.
"I'm sure he won't take that book seriously" During first period Gavin felt strange for A moment. He closed his eyes focusing Trimo,
"what's happening, for some reason I feel strange inside"
His Outra replied: "I think I know what's happening, shall I go check the area?" The user nodded before Trimo left the classroom without anyone noticing that the door had opened and closed itself. Meanwhile the Outra was searching the school for the unknown source they had felt. Finally Trimo saw Brandon, and standing behind him...was an Outra! The tall warrior made his way back to his user then fazed back into the teen's thoughts.
"Seems our friend Brandon has achieved one as well" Gavin looked at the clock, class won't end for another five minutes.
"Crap, who knows what'll happen If he figures out how to use his Outra" he thought to Trimo.
"Yes that could be problematic for the school along with other non-users. The bell rang, he ran out of the room towards the location where his Outra had found Brandon.
"He's gone, damn it" The teen couldn't remember what his friend's second period was.
"Guess we'll just have to wait until after school or the next time he uses his inner-self" "Indeed" Trimo responded. So the boy waited the rest of the day to sense Brandon's Outra. During lunch he quickly ate his food then went to look for him,
"go look for him" the user said in his mind, Trimo went in search for the possible threat, invisible to all the students. Meanwhile Gavin sat at A lunch table alone. Trimo quickly explored the school checking every possible classroom and area that the other user could be. Finally, Brandon was found in one of the buildings on the other side of the school.
"Found you" the tall warrior said to himself. Oshima took off towards the building where he saw him talking to his Outra,
"I would think with all your friends, you wouldn't need to chat with your Outra" His friend looked at the teen,
"he's the only one I need" Gavin's eyes widened,
"has he been taken over by his own Outra?" The teen noticed the book on the bed and went for it, Brandon's inner-self, A large four-armed monster threw A punch at him, the user's Outra appeared, blocking the attack with his sword blazing with fire. He got to the book and had the figure block his way to the dark-haired teen. Before Gavin could open the book, Trimo was struck in the gut causing the boy to lose his grip on the item.
It went flying out the window landing in the street, before Gavin could go after it, Brandon's creature punched Trimo across the room out into the road as well. The novice user wasn't used to taking his Outra's damage, he collapsed onto the ground.
"Damn, his Outra is completely out of control, and I don't have the book too fix whatever he's done to himself or his Outra" The powerful creature uppercut the weakened boy out of the house, causing him to land next to Trimo. Blood ran down the side of his face,
"I wanted to help him, but if they won't listen...I'll have to keep them from fighting!" Both the user and his warrior stood up facing the monster's location,
"I may be new at this, but I assure you I'll get A few good hits in" The seven-foot figure rushed towards them pulling out his strong blade. Brandon took A few steps back, yet his Outra stood its ground. The warrior swung his blade leaving A flesh wound in the creature's chest. The controlled boy let out A scream in pain falling to one knee with his hand on his wound.
"So much pain from just one attack" he groaned as blood filled his shirt. Just then the monster vanished and Brandon laid there breathing heavily.
"Trimo search for the book while I aid our foe" It nodded racing off to look for the book, Gavin wrapped Brandon's wound with cloth to stop the bleeding.
Chapter 2 : Secret revealed, Outra expanding
The teens were in the bedroom, the dark-haired teen was watching over his friend while his wound healed.
"What happened to you, I have control over my inner-self yet you go ballistic on me and try to kill me and my Outra"
Brandon coughed out blood then replied: "It said I could make my "other stronger, but something went wrong and it took over" The teen sighed,
"well be happy with your current strength so we don't end up killing each other" His wounded friend nodded before passing out...
Hours later Trimo's user had realized that the warrior hadn't returned yet.
"strange the book couldn't have gotten far, it was in the street seconds before I went after it"
"What's this?" A teen responded as he picked up the book of outra. He began to skim through it when the book suddenly flew out of his hands. The teen quickly got home and got on his laptop, the teen searched up info about Outra, there wasn't much compared to the book.
"Hmm, seems an Outra is A physical being of one's true self" The site didn't say much else...He sat on his bed thinking about how to gain the being he read about. Brushing the black hair out of his eyes, the boy took in A deep breath beginning to focus, the aura that had appeared around the other two became visible to him as well. Back at their house Gavin was freaking out,
"who knows what'll happen if more people get their hands on that book, with more and more creatures popping up, most of them are bound to be evil!" Brandon still hadn't come to though tossed and turned normally. Finally Trimo returned with the book,
"good now that we have the book back in our position, we should put it somewhere that others can't find it" The user went down to the basement then hid it in A lose part of the brick wall. As the dark-haired teen thought he could relax, A faint shockwave shook under his feet.
"If this is another user I will freak out" Gavin ran out of the house down the road headed towards yet another source of energy. When he got there he saw A teen with black hair on his phone.
"Hey you have you seen anyone with A weird book, it has A word on the front that seems like it's made up" The teen looked up at him,
"Yeah... I found A book that talked about Outras or somethin', so I posted online how others can learn to use them" The teen froze still from the stranger's words,
"and where did you post it?" Gavin responded in an uneasy tone.
"Basically everywhere all those social media apps"
"Shit, you need to hurry and delete those posts before anyone reads them!"
"Why is that?" he asked, genuinely curious.
"Because if everyone has them, there's no telling what kind of evil outras will appear!"
"Fine, I'll delete them" After A few minutes he had deleted all the posts.
"There happy?"
Gavin nodded and replied: "so who are you anyway?"
The stranger looked at him with A serious expression,
"I'm Levi, and this is Leviathan" he said as he summoned his creature to his side, it looked like the common depiction of Death, he was wearing A black coat with A large hood cast far over his face. He held A scythe, which appeared to be made from some strange alloy which was never identified on Earth in the past. Two glowing eyes peered out from under the hood, but there wasn't anything underneath the creature's clothing, just pure darkness.
"So, this was the energy I felt earlier" Levi grinned,
"let's see what yours can do!" Oshima called to his warrior and it stood beside his user facing Leviathan. The new outra dashed forward swinging his fierce weapon, Trimo dogged it and uppercut the being across the neighborhood. Leviathan impacted an old tree house causing it to fall to pieces, the user could feel the soreness of the attack and impact.
"Nice shot, though I can take more than an average person" The strong warrior pulled out his sword,
"I'll be interested to see if you can handle the strength of my mighty sword" His combatant was unsure if he'd be capable of withstanding the sword's force. Trimo threw A swing at his opponent, Leviathan suddenly blocked the attack's path, stopping it with his strong weapon. The area shook causing the concrete road to crack apart.
"Impressive you stopped my outra's attack, but that was only half his strength" Gavin made A forceful swing causing Trimo to unleash A full strength attack. Leviathan lifted his scythe once more to stop it but the intense force of the warrior knocked the weapon out of its hand. Now wide open, the big armored fighter punched the foe so hard it went spiraling into A house leaving A hole in their roof. Levi fell to the ground bleeding severely.
"I will beat you next time" the wounded boy commented as he rolled over onto his back. His creature fazed back into him, he was unable to continue fighting.
The next day Gavin awoke to an alert on the news: "It seems creatures are showing up all over town, I've been told they are called "Outras" the physical form of A person's inner-self and are said to have superhuman abilities"
"That's not good, tons of people are figuring out about their "other-selves" there's so many that my Outra sense is going crazy, I can only image the horrors that are to come from this" The teen sat against the wall of his room thinking...
"Well I'm sure there's gonna be A lot of evil users, so I better be prepared for the worst"
He grabbed his black jacket and headed towards the city... The dark haired teen found himself seeing all sorts of creatures, some funny like A tiny clown or ones dark like A zombie looking creature.
"Alright Trimo we need to search for any evil auras" As they turned A corner, Gavin spotted A Outra that resembled A dragon.
"Looks like we found one" Trimo commented telepathically. The young boy called out Trimo and had him go for the creature's head, the massive creature wiped its tail in the fighter's direction, the other went soaring down the road crashing into A light red truck. Gavin felt A great surge of pain but remained in front of the beast. His Outra came back standing at his side,
"I have an idea" he said. The boy took A deep breath, his other in sync with his movement. The fighter let out A long powerful breath and his other released A wave of fire out of his helmet. The fire burned the dragon causing it to ascend up out of the flames path. A women came out from an ally with A burn on her shoulder,
"leave me alone!"
Her Outra let out A loud roar before releasing A ball of fire from its mouth. The challenger had his pull out his sword and hit it back.
"Looks like A homerun" the boy joked as the ball hit the dragon in the jaw.
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