Paige Johnson
As we stared at each other with mixed feelings, the only question that rose in me was simple: How long will this go on?
Our path crossed, which we thought was only coincidence, are now being labelled as fate. Our line intersected like any other strangers that we would have met while walking on the streets or the strangers sitting next to our table in restaurants or our schoolmates that we have lost contact with after graduating. All intersected with different periods of time before separating.
Now, how long will this relationship last? We no longer can be defined as friends, this is marriage. A promise that could last but delicate.
Roger Barr
As promised, I am taking your hand in sickness and health but not your heart and neither are you taking mine.
How will I live with my wife when this is nothing but a marriage only in papers?
Maybe this is better than expecting something grand as marrying for love. She's nice and a friendly companion - a good partner to spend your time with. A more defined and complex relationship than a pet.
She's a soft breeze that would accompany your days even when you didn't ask for it but secretly desire it.
A marriage without passion, desire or love, is a peaceful one; I've thought.
How will this go?
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