2 episodes
When a ghost causes me to stumble onto an active crime scene, the last thing I expect is to be handcuffed, dragged away and told in no uncertain terms that I had to stay out of trouble by a hot detective who makes my mouth water. It's bad enough that the man and I already had a run in a few nights ago at a bar. How do I explain to him that the dead visit me and they don't leave me alone.
When serial killer shows up to my job, the detective is the first person I call and the last person who will believe what I am saying. Just once I wish that Theodore would just stop acting like I am trying to do some kind of "Hocus Pocus". Magic is already a big influence in our world and the fact that very few people admit to seeing spirits doesn't mean its not real.
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Please support me on Tapas. I don't have a job or anything and write a lot of my stories for free. I want to be able to share my content with as many people as possible. Help me keep this goal alive.
When a ghost causes me to stumble onto an active crime scene, the last thing I expect is to be handcuffed, dragged away and told in no uncertain terms that I had to stay out of trouble by a hot detective who makes my mouth water. It's bad enough that the man and I already had a run in a few nights ago at a bar. How do I explain to him that the dead visit me and they don't leave me alone.
When serial killer shows up to my job, the detective is the first person I call and the last person who will believe what I am saying. Just once I wish that Theodore would just stop acting like I am trying to do some kind of "Hocus Pocus". Magic is already a big influence in our world and the fact that very few people admit to seeing spirits doesn't mean its not real.
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