She stared at her ceiling while waiting to fall asleep, her eyes drifted over to the small window in her room, she smiled as she laid her eyes on a small pink dot among all the other dots in the sky, she had decided that the small dot was actually a planet when she was younger.
whenever she saw that dot her imagination would run wild, she would have vivid dreams about the planet inhabitants and the scenery, although it had been awhile since she dreamed about the planet she would still think about it at times.
Her eyes slowly began to close and the world faded into darkness.
She tried to bolt up in bed when she felt like she was falling to realize she couldn't, when she opened her eyes she was greeted by the starry sky, here eyes were only open for a couple seconds when she felt a sharp pain in her back and head, once again her world was engulfed in darkness.
When she woke up again she saw two faces looking down at her.
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