Welcome to It's Pretty Straightforward (or IPS for short), my first original novel! I'm Malkomonster, but you can call me Mally.
This series is something I've been thinking of writing for a while, and I hope that everyone is kind to it :)
Enjoy :)
After moving from his old school due to being bullied for coming out as gay, Lucas Choi isn't interested in reliving that experience. To prevent history from repeating, he devises a -- very good, practically foolproof -- plan to blend in as much as possible, which includes seeming as straight as he can conceivably be. He's planned for every eventuality, including being asked to tutor a star player. What he didn't plan for is said star player being Jamari LaBeau, someone who actually wants to get to know him. There's still no way his plan can fail. Right?
He left his old school after being bullied for it, and here? He's not trying to do it again. His plan of attack? Being as far away from being called gay as possible. And to do that, he's got a completely waterproof plan.
Except that he didn't account for the pretty-eyed, cat-magnet running back he's been asked to tutor: Jamari LaBeau.Read more
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