"I hate it." These were my first words when I arrived at Ashley Main Senior School.
Hey, my name is Ace and I have two sisters, Jade and Jessy, who have been with me from the beginning and always will be. As I'm writing this my parents are still arguing about me going to school and how I object every time we visit a school. I'm currently attending Ashley Main Senior School (in my words AMSS). My sister goes to Unifox University which is a very, very, very ugly school, don't ask me why she chose it!
'Soooo... don't you think he's hot? Don't you Ace?'
Jessy had always bored me about Seth Kain during our lunchtime, so it's a pity that she felt the need to bore me even more.
'Um, I guess so...' I mumbled as I figures out when Ollie and Ellie were going to come and save me from Jessy's Seth talk.
'Should I invite him over... I think I should!'
She got her phone out and dialled a number on it, with a stupid grin on her face.
'Hey, Seth do you wanna come over to mine?'
'Sure. I'll send the postcode to you!'
As soon as she put the phone down, I heard the doorbell ring and I jumped up to see Ollie standing at the door with his little sister, Ellie.
'So, how was Jessy's Seth talk?'
What a way to say 'hi', by boring me even more.
'Boring, she even had the guts to invite him over!'
'Lol, at least we'll be there o watch her flirt and fail!!'
We laughed, even Ellie, who didn't have a clue about Jessy's Seth Kain obsession.
We all moved into the kitchen as we each got two cookies while, Jessy was rummaging around trying to find something, that would impress Seth, and guess what she picked. A plain skirt and d non-matching, horribly non-matching, skirt.
'You're seriously going to impress your crush with that!' I screeched as she came out wearing the tiniest skirt I had ever seen.
'Yes! You got a problem with it?'
'Uh duh, it's too small for one, and two, you would never impress Seth by wearing that!' But instead of taking my advice, guess what she does, walks away as if she's doing a catwalk. As soon as she was done catwalking, the doorbell rang and, as soon as it rang, Jessy squealed with excitement before she burst out of the kitchen to frankly open the door.
'OMG, hey.' We heard her squeal at the door, we walked over to the door and, we could see that Seth had brought a few of his friends with him.
'Hey, um.. question why is your skirt so small?' Seth asked with an 'I'm trying to hide an eruption of laughter' face, while some of his mated (at the back) started to snigger.
'F.A.S.H.I.O.N' She spluttered before going red with embarrassment and storming off the kitchen.
'I warned her but, she didn't listen.'
'Well, it looks ugly on her!'
'She doesn't even know how to cook' One of Seth's friends stated as they entered.
To be honest, I feel quite sorry for Seth to have a girl, like my sister, annoyingly and creepingly following him around. This is exactly what Jessy is doing to Seth right now, she's trying to seduce him into loving her as Jade does (she doesn't really). Oh let me explain the characteristics of Jade.
Jade Kurston (my older sister) has just begun University and her husband Jackson (a.k.a. JJ) also lives in the same flat as her, this is how the two love birds met (no seduction). Jade was 15 when she met JJ, it was hate at first sight but love comes soon. When Jade's friend Alexandra (a.k.a. Alex) arranged for them to meet during a celebration, which had a load of food. Jade had hated JJ ever since but when they had a sleepover at each others house, they started to get closer to each other and get along. Then on Jade's 20th birthday, JJ confessed to her and yeah, they've been together ever since, (see I told you no seduction).
Ace Kurston had never been told that he had a twin brother who was out there somewhere, so when he bumps into a mysterious boy named Jake he wants to get to the bottom of it.
Can his parents tell him the truth and how will he handle it without freaking out?
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