Does freedom come as love?
Is it a game? Or a charade?
Do you need to break a chain,
Which keeps you looked in Reality
When it itself is an illusion?
We are dancing on an ice ring,
One wrong step means a fall into the abys
Our mind creates to keep our sanity in check.
Life has rules,
And we avoid them,
But we are the ones who made them.
Hypocrisy is mankind’s motto
And Ignorance its greatest Sin.
We live to die and die to live,
Yet we face both with fear.
Because fear is the bridge between them.
If you fear to live than you die,
If you fear to die than you live.
Fear is the unknown we can’t understand
So we keep trying and failing.
This is Our True Nature,
Which no one can change
When we are Change itself.
Loneliness is suppose too hurt,
Too completely crush your soul,
And yet it also gives you pleasure
To know you have someone you
Would like to see there.
What if you don’t feel lonely,
But there is no one beside you?
That is even more painful.
Why? Because you have no memories,
No happy or sad thoughts of what happened,
In other words no life.
To be lonely is a gift some receive rarely
For it is a time spent in contemplation,
Analysing what was done, to be done.
It is that time when you live in the present.
I felt it, but now is gone,
The warmth before clouds come.
No more sun in the sky,
With rays writing a lie.
Why, pretend I’m blind
When I can see behind.
Don’t regret the choice I made
Forgetting is the real mistake.
Tears are real and so I’m I
Can’t keep living in denial.
Every memory has a mark
For the album in my heart
To which I add photos everyday
Be they colourful or grey.
I want my world and nothing else
For I will remain a total mess
Of feelings trying to escape
So as not to decay
At the hands of time.
Write them on paper
And I will remember
Because they change
Like the wind blowing through an open window at dawn,
They disappear never to be seen until we reencounter them
years later, but is not the same.
You set to do something but you refuse
Or take your sweet time.
You don’t do something and you regret it
Or try to change the outcome.
So annoying and predictable and at the same time something that could be so easily changed.
You need time to buy time only to waste it later on something useless you tried to avoid.
Now this is rather ironic and sadly true.
You work hard now to have a happy future later and ignore your actual self only to discover you no longer know your true self or desire and spend time figuring it out and wasting the so called happy future which is fake.
The worst is when we lose our true purpose and the objective is the same. Is painful, like going blind.
You want to see the world painted in rainbow, purpose, so you paint with red, objective.
But then all you can see is red and no other colours, there is no rainbow you wanted to see. The objective has become the purpose, which will be carried until the mind breaks.
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