2 episodes
Episode 1
Alphas and Assignments
Apr 15, 2019284 views
Episode 2
How Brooklyn met Celeste~
Apr 30, 2019134 views
The Evermoon werewolves are guardians who have sworn to find the key to the Kingdom of Shadows and revive their queen. When Celeste Lumina turns 16 she is assigned a human to guard, just like every other Evermoon werewolf. What she doesn't expect is for the human she is guarding to have a crush on her.
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The Evermoon werewolves are guardians who have sworn to find the key to the Kingdom of Shadows and revive their queen. When Celeste Lumina turns 16 she is assigned a human to guard, just like every other Evermoon werewolf. What she doesn't expect is for the human she is guarding to have a crush on her.
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