1 episode
She took in slow, deep breaths, staring up at the ceiling. Sometimes this was all she needed to unwind. She closed her eyes slowly. Breathe in. Hold for a second. Breathe out. It was wonderfully gratifying. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe ou-.
Marinette's eyes flew open, blinking to get used to the low light again. "Hello, Chat Noir," she said up to the dark ceiling.
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She took in slow, deep breaths, staring up at the ceiling. Sometimes this was all she needed to unwind. She closed her eyes slowly. Breathe in. Hold for a second. Breathe out. It was wonderfully gratifying. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe ou-.
Marinette's eyes flew open, blinking to get used to the low light again. "Hello, Chat Noir," she said up to the dark ceiling.
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My shitty sketch book. [Digital]
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