"I hope Starclan approves of my choice of who will become the new deputy. The new deputy of Sunclan will be Windstorm. His efforts to keep the clan safe is easy to see." Cherrystar said loudly. She nodded her head towards Windstorm who was feeling proud of himself. He had finally become deputy! He padded past Raystorm and towards Cherrystar. He smiled at her.
"Thank you for choosing me Cherrystar." He sat down beside her, his tail flicking about. Cherrystar watched the clan cats go back to there duties and then looked at Windstorm.
"You truly deserve it. Anyway ask Raystorm if she would like to sort out the patrols. I need to speak to you."
Windstorm nodded and walked towards Raystorm.
Raystorm frowned, thinking she was in trouble when Windstorm came near. Windstorm could feel her eyes, digging into him.
"Cherrystar wanted you to sort out the patrols. If you could can you sort out a hunting patrol? Don't send to much cats out in case any clans attack." He said. Luckily Raystorm looked more calm and happy to be trusted by Cherrystar.
"Yes Windstorm. I'll do that right now." Raystorm quickly sprinted towards the warrior dens before Windstorm could say anything else.
Windstorm sighed and walked to the leader's den. Cherrystar was there her body tensing up like she was nervous. Obviously she hadn't notice Windstorm enter.
"Cherrystar? Raystorm is sorting out the patrols and the hunting patrols."
Cherrystar stared at Windstorm and then sighed. She sat up and padded her tail, telling him to sit down. Windstorm obeyed and sat down beside her.
"Windstorm. I don't have four lives left. I only have one."
Windstorm gasped. He had the urge to tell his friend Cloudblaze but he knew that he had to keep it as a secret.
"Do you understand why I'm not telling any other clan cats?" Cherrystar whispered. Windstorm nodded his head. Cherrystar was keeping it a secret because she didn't want to worry her cats. She didn't want them to know that she could die and not come back.
"I need you to make sure that no cat knows and that you will keep me safe. I want to go to Starclan when its time." Windstorm smiled and nodded again.
"I'll go check on Lightpelt and Emberdrop."
Cherrystar nodded but stayed still. Windstorm frowned and walked out of the den. He sprinted towards the medicine excited to see Lightpelt.
The reason why he was excited to see Lightpelt is because he had a crush on her. He loved her light brown fur and how kind she acted.
While running towards the medicine den he bumped into EmberDrop.
"Oh! Sorry EmberDrop. Where are you going?"
EmberDrop quickly gathered up her herbs and looked at WindStorm, concerned.
"Lightpelt is feeling stressed because some cats are catching greencough even though it isn't leaf-bare yet. She told me if any cat beside Cherrystar would like to see her and they weren't sick then she doesn't want them to see her. I'm going to go this herbs to her. She said that poppies would help but I can't find that much." She spread out the herbs to show him that there was only a few poppies.
"I can go find some." Windstorm said, hoping that when he goes to give them to Lightpelt that he could talk to her. Emberdrop nodded and walked off. Windstorm smiled and ran off into the trees. He sniffed around to look for poppies. He spotted something blue. He frowned knowing that the river wasn't near this area of Sunclan's territory. He slowly crouched down and walked still down towards the blue. He smelt a cat but he couldn't find which clan it came from. Then suddenly a thought came from him. It was a kittypet!
He noticed the creature was very close. Suddenly he jumped and pounced on the kittypet.
The kittypet hissed and whined. Windstorm hissed back and stared at the kittypet. He carefully got off the kittypet realizing the kittypet wasn't a threat.
"Who are you and why are you in Sunclan territory?" Windstorm demanded. The kittypet licked herself, smoothing her soft fur.
"I'm Milky. I didn't know this forest was taken. I thought that the clans was a myth.." Milky mumbled.
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