Feudal Japan has been unified under the Tokugawa shogunate, and the era of the Warring States has finally come to an end. Yet there is little repose; a mysterious plague begins to creep across the land, awakening the sleeping dead and transforming the living into nightmarish fiends. In an effort to contain the outbreak, the Tokugawa shogunate has issued Sakoku, an edict isolating Japan from the rest of the world--no one can leave or enter Japan on penalty of death.
Follow the adventures of Tatsuo the masterless samurai, Moshi the martial arts monk, Ino the fugitive ninja, and Boo the teacup panda as they investigate the mysterious zombie plague, tracing its origins to the fall of the Koga and Iga ninja clans.
Written by Ben Laverock and illustrated by Scott Dewey, LAND OF THE RISING DEAD combines humor, history, violence, and romance into an action-packed comic series where feudal Japan and zombie apocalypses collide.
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