“Once upon a time, the world was full of peace, humans lived in a harmony of happiness, but all of that was just false happiness which was finally shattered when the Demon King along with the 72 Demon nobles appeared and started a war. Along with the appearance of the demons, monsters also eventually appeared all over the world and began to destroy civilization. The world is on the verge of collapse. The humans tried to put up a fight against the Demon King's army, but it was all in vain. The Demon King's army was too strong for the people to deal with back then. The humans who still survive then gather in a place called the Cape of Hope, the last place that has not been invaded by the demons."
“Wooahh Then, then……”
“Ahaha I'll continue. Seeing the last remaining humans gathered there, the Demon king decided to attack them. One by one, the lines of defense began to crumble, the humans began to surrender to their fate. But a brave man appeared. Together with his comrades, he raised his sword, then push back the demon king's army. The hero of mankind has finally appeared”
“Woah… cool….”
“With the appearance of the hero, the course of the war begins to change, until at its peak, when the hero succeeds in defeating the Demon King and brings victory to mankind. Even so, the price paid is not cheap. The hero also disappeared after defeating the Demon King. But unmistakably, it was a victory for mankind for the first time. After the Demon King’s lost, the demon army withdrew from the Cape of Hope, and humans resumed building civilization there.”
"Woah…. It's so cool…”
"Ahaha I've read this story many times you know... you must be bored"
"Is the hero cool sis?"
“He’s so cool, especially the current hero, Edward, kyaa……” >///<
"Have you ever seen the hero?"
“Ehh… ammm… I've never seen him, I just heard what people say. hehe~”
"Hmmm…. Sis… I want to be a hero later!”
"Ehhh…. What did you say?"
"I want to be a hero sis!!!!"
"Ehhhh…. Really?"
"Umm" *nod*
"Hmm, are you stronger than me? don't dream too much you brat! haha"
“You’ll see, I will beat you and the Demon King like a hero”
"So you're saying I'm a Demon King huh?" *pinch
"aaaaaaa it hurts sis..."
"Ahaha seeing you act, makes my mood so good…. Oops, it's time for bed."
"Ehhhh…. Come on, tell me more..."
"No, it's time to sleep, before grandma wakes up and scolds us"
"Ahaha, here I give you a goodnight kiss"
"Good night Yu0ra.."
"Good night sis..."
In 10 years, after their conversation that night, many things happened that changed Yuora's life, destiny, and ambition. The sweetness of friendship and love, the bitterness of sacrifice and betrayal, and the answers to the mysteries of the world are treasures that will always be kept in the World's Treasure Box.
====== Yuora, 8 years old boy ==========
====== Helena, 12 year old girl =========
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