2 episodes
Episode 1
WARNING! (Re-upload with a different image!)
Oct 01, 2017399 views
Episode 2
Thank You For Your Kindness!! <3 (Full picture in the desc)
Apr 13, 2018367 views
Do Gods...have enemies?
If so...What are they like?
Are the Gods good?
Or are they bad?
What if their enemy...was once one of them.
And that enemy...doesn't remember anything of them at all.
A story of a broken love still burning strong, and something monstrous hiding beneath the kindest skin.
"We're nothing more than monsters in the eyes of those below us."
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Do Gods...have enemies?
If so...What are they like?
Are the Gods good?
Or are they bad?
What if their enemy...was once one of them.
And that enemy...doesn't remember anything of them at all.
A story of a broken love still burning strong, and something monstrous hiding beneath the kindest skin.
"We're nothing more than monsters in the eyes of those below us."
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