5 episodes
Episode 1
Oct 03, 2020249 views
Episode 2
Oct 04, 202095 views
Episode 3
Oct 04, 202069 views
Episode 4
Welcome to Earth
Oct 06, 202091 views
Episode 5
Oct 08, 202078 views
This is a story about a nerdy girl who's obsessed with aliens, a goth boy obsessed with pain, an alien searching for emotions, and a man who hunts aliens.
This is a rough draft comic that I made way back in 2011, when I was 16! I made up the story as I went along. It was drawn on printer paper, double sided, and then folded into a book. The pages have yellowed. I couldn't scan it properly, because of the page folds and the fact that most of it is still in pencil. I hope it's alright to upload something so unprofessional to this site. I really needed a place to put all the pages of this so people could experience it and so I could have them all together online. I really hope you give this a chance and look at it with an open mind. It’s very immature to me now, as I was very young when I wrote it and just drew it on a whim. But these characters have become very special to me, and I hope to one day make a proper manga of them for everyone to enjoy. There are so many things I want to change and add to the story, so right now I’m trying to figure out exactly what I want to do with it.
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This is a story about a nerdy girl who's obsessed with aliens, a goth boy obsessed with pain, an alien searching for emotions, and a man who hunts aliens.
This is a rough draft comic that I made way back in 2011, when I was 16! I made up the story as I went along. It was drawn on printer paper, double sided, and then folded into a book. The pages have yellowed. I couldn't scan it properly, because of the page folds and the fact that most of it is still in pencil. I hope it's alright to upload something so unprofessional to this site. I really needed a place to put all the pages of this so people could experience it and so I could have them all together online. I really hope you give this a chance and look at it with an open mind. It’s very immature to me now, as I was very young when I wrote it and just drew it on a whim. But these characters have become very special to me, and I hope to one day make a proper manga of them for everyone to enjoy. There are so many things I want to change and add to the story, so right now I’m trying to figure out exactly what I want to do with it.
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