15 episodes
Episode 1
1: The Chase
Nov 02, 2022308 views
Episode 2
2: My Lady and Your Majesty
Nov 02, 202286 views
Episode 3
3: A sweet gift
Nov 02, 202269 views
Episode 4
4: Memories of someone else
Nov 02, 202249 views
Episode 5
5: An invitation
Nov 02, 202270 views
Episode 6
6: Remember to fear
Nov 02, 202266 views
Episode 7
7: Gretor
Nov 02, 202251 views
Episode 8
8: Step-mother-in-law
Nov 02, 202250 views
Episode 9
9: Tea time and a Proposal
Nov 02, 202253 views
Episode 10
10: Doctor's visit
Nov 02, 202251 views
Episode 11
11: A promise
Nov 02, 202248 views
Episode 12
12: A confession
Nov 02, 202249 views
Episode 13
13: Sayla
Nov 02, 202252 views
Episode 14
14: Rumors
Nov 02, 202254 views
Episode 15
15: The Visit of a Woman
Nov 02, 202244 views
Alice Edwards is a cop in 21st century NYC- until one day, she's shot by a culprit her team had been tracking down and wakes up with a completely different face, in a completely different era- or, rather, world. In the backdrop of assassinations, wars between kingdoms and bloodthirsty struggles for power, everyone calls her "Lady Helena", the second wife of Emperor Hanes, who's known for his stunning good lucks, pure royal blood lineage, intelligence- and also unparalleled cruelty and mercilessness. She's hardly getting accustomed to living with the cold and seemingly heartless Emperor Hanes, when she realizes the new, unbelievable life she's leading is from a book- and he's the villain in it.
~ * ~
"Who are you that you're ordering her around like this?" I couldn't help but utter, seeing the poor woman tremble like a rat in front of a cat.
"I am the Emperor of this kingdom, Catrinsa, and you are a gift of reconciliation given to me by your country, Irennia." He stretched out a hand and took one of my curls in his finger, smiling coldly. "So behave sweetly, as a gift should." After releasing my hair, he turned around, and walked away.
I would've said something, if not for the abrupt, sharp pain that seemed to jab into my chest. My breaths came out fast and rough, and against my will, my knees gave way. As I barely re-collected my breathing, hearing Regica urgently call for the physician, I saw Hanes glance at me with cold, condescending eyes and walk away.
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Alice Edwards is a cop in 21st century NYC- until one day, she's shot by a culprit her team had been tracking down and wakes up with a completely different face, in a completely different era- or, rather, world. In the backdrop of assassinations, wars between kingdoms and bloodthirsty struggles for power, everyone calls her "Lady Helena", the second wife of Emperor Hanes, who's known for his stunning good lucks, pure royal blood lineage, intelligence- and also unparalleled cruelty and mercilessness. She's hardly getting accustomed to living with the cold and seemingly heartless Emperor Hanes, when she realizes the new, unbelievable life she's leading is from a book- and he's the villain in it.
~ * ~
"Who are you that you're ordering her around like this?" I couldn't help but utter, seeing the poor woman tremble like a rat in front of a cat.
"I am the Emperor of this kingdom, Catrinsa, and you are a gift of reconciliation given to me by your country, Irennia." He stretched out a hand and took one of my curls in his finger, smiling coldly. "So behave sweetly, as a gift should." After releasing my hair, he turned around, and walked away.
I would've said something, if not for the abrupt, sharp pain that seemed to jab into my chest. My breaths came out fast and rough, and against my will, my knees gave way. As I barely re-collected my breathing, hearing Regica urgently call for the physician, I saw Hanes glance at me with cold, condescending eyes and walk away.
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