Head sage Bailin walked into the roundtable hall.
His arms bore what the sages had eagerly awaited for the last eight years; the written wisdom and studies of the genius. He was summoned in an experiment with the exotic magics, a type of ritual that can only be performed once one of the realms align with their own. All of them knew that they would never get an opportunity like this again in their lifetime.
The four sages took their seats. A tense mood began to form around them. Bailin set the book down as if it were a newborn.
[Bailin]: “Fellow sages, it is finally time. The genius has presented his complete work to me, and has given me the permission to read it at long last. Any remarks or reservations before we begin?”
The other three all nodded. Bailin knew them well enough that judging a tome by its cover would be far beneath them.
But never a tome quite like this.
It was a hefty book, and perfectly clean. Not even dust could stick to it. Clearly, the book was enhanced by some form of alchemy. That man somehow learned the practice, reaching their level, in secret.
To his right sat Sage Selend. He acts as the House of Scholars's top teacher, spending most of his time teaching lower ranked scholars and students. He carries a whimsical, kind air to him, one that relaxes and uplifts those in the same room. That Selend, the teaching Selend, wasn't with them tonight. He was tense and eager, like a true academic, passionate for knowledge.
[Selend]: “So, shall we begin? I am optimistic about its contents.”
[Bailin]: “Exercise caution, Selend. I have overheard certain concepts that will be in this scripture. Concepts that are sure to change civilization. We must not act rashly if these ideas are true.”
[????]: “Hasn't every use of the Exotic Ritual done this? I think you are being hyperbolic, master.”
The remark came from across Bailin. It was Alistir, probably the most jarring of the sages.
Alistir was well-built and large, being able to casually lift two-hundred pounds without strength enhancement magic. He was bald, with a short beard, and looked more like a trained soldier than a mage.
He rose through the ranks with surprising speed, becoming the Kingdom of Iracia's most talented magic users at the age of 23. His ability to visualize and ‘feel’ how magic works was second to none, and was granted the position of sage by the king. Still, being in such a position is a great honor, and he is still adjusting to his title.
His comment on the Exotic Ritual was true; each time it was attempted, either a disaster was born, or a relic of unknown origin would be summoned. Instantly coming to Bailin's mind was the creation of the Null Lands by a kingdom that used to exist far south. Within its 4-mile wide area, one would mysteriously get cancer and die.
Good thing that the realm used in the ritual was not the same one used to create the Null Lands.
[Bailin]: “I believe that this will be unlike those other rituals. Those deal with tangible artifacts and events. This is information and revelation.”
[Alistir]: “I understand now, carry on, master.”
Finally, Bailin opened the book.
‘To all who shall read this, steel your resolve and humility. It takes great courage to both comprehend this tome's contents and admit to yourself that you were ignorant’ - The Mechanomicon states.
Bailin proceeded to read the rest of the book to his constituents.
It was… captivating. It described a world far more advanced than their own. Where information could spread across the world lightning fast, where people could travel in mechanical vehicles, and where the secrets of the world they lived in were uncovered using highly developed science.
Such a world was far beyond anything they could imagine. Not to mention, it was all done without magic. It hinted at that world's shortcomings as well. The book could easily be seen as a guide to avoid those previous mistakes.
The sages struggled to hold in their opinions until the last page.
Until they couldn't hold it in anymore.
[Alistir]: “I knew it would be profound, but not like this!”
[Bailin]: “Calm down Selend-”
Selend began to hyperventilate.
[Selend]: “This is… insane.”
[????]: “Quiet!”
To Bailin's left was Clergy Sage Dencer, basically the Church's hand in the House of Scholars, and a man who is stern and confident in his worldview and purpose. He makes sure findings in the House don't contradict Church doctrine or can cause heresy. Doctrine can still be reinterpreted at the request of the Clergy Sage if he so chooses.
[Dencer]: “This is some profound Heresy, Selend. You could be put on trial for embracing such falsehood. Be more skeptical of this temptation.”
[Selend]: “Well, Dencer, I guess there is but one way to know for sure! If this is the truth, then it should be harmless in testing it, correct? Same for the Church!”
[Dencer]: “I'll look past that remark this one time. While yes, I agree with you that truth should be scrutinized, it is beyond dangerous to apply that logic to the holy texts. In short, more than half of this book is irreconcilable with the Book of Angels, and as such shall be discarded promptly.”
[Selend]: “Dencer!”
[Dencer]: “But there is a way to salvage some of this work. I am not talking of the parts that don't contradict, but of its application in sorcery. By describing the non-contradictory mechanisms and energies of nature, one can will their magic to more closely copy the real thing. Magic imitates matter, as they say.”
[Selend]: “But Dencer, the Mechanomicon promises flying to the moon, cure to all disease, the power to move mountains! Have at least some curiosity!”
[Dencer]: “It is simply too dangerous. Don't lead other souls to darkness, only your own, Selend.”
[Bailin]: “Sages, that's enough. I believe the best course of action is to lock it up in the forbidden library. Study the non-heretical portions, watch over all who decide to read this text, and do not let information on this book's existence be found out. If our enemies discover that we have such a book, they will surely invade the kingdom.”
Bailin thought that this would satisfy all parties in this meeting. The Church would be satisfied, Selend would be free to study, and Iracia would have a sure-fire way of growing into a world power. The risk was also equally heavy. The misuse of the book for personal gain, holy wars over reading the heretical portions, and invasion by other powers for the book.
The four of them regularly held these roundtable discussions. It was mostly about more mundane topics than the future of all mankind though. Where to allocate funds, promoting certain scholars, or planning magic experiments.
Their meeting concluded. The four sages went to their House dorms for the night. Selend and Dencer would depart in the morning to go to the school and the Capitol Cathedral respectively.
Many questions lingered in Bailin's mind. The author was in a perfect position to take advantage of their own ignorance. Does he intend to shape the world the way he wants it? Was he trying to manipulate them in some way with that book? Perhaps they should have broken the law and let him join them for the meeting.
Now, it's time to return to the author's quarters. For the past eight years, he and his daughter had stayed isolated in the House of Scholars, occasionally leaving for the rare supervised vacation. He had no aptitude for magic, perhaps because magic was not present in his realm. This caused this world to slowly poison him, as magic would slowly build up inside his body with no way out. It got so bad that he is now bedridden, supplied with leeches to hopefully suck out some of the magic.
The author himself was a curious individual, both literally and figuratively. Physically, he was similar to most other people, albeit weaker than most. His ability to fixate on his hobbies was almost concerning. It was like he was addicted to science and knowledge.
His interests, mannerisms, and behavior were completely alien to everything Bailin knew. He would behave almost like a child, cheerfully going through book after book on the magic arts. The man lit up whatever room he was in, making time seem to fly by as his positivity and excitement made those around him forget their worries. He remembers Alistir describing him as a ‘Walking Tavern’.
Bailin entered his dorm, and immediately knew something was off.
Then, he saw.
The author was dead in his bed.
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