Let me write to you a story.
One filled with vainness, misconceptions and illusions, and debts. It is one that really happened, took place, ruined many lives and yet was the saviour of some.
You may not believe me, but it is true, I promise. Much as the sun always rises and always sets, much as humans like to believe in right and wrong, in good or evil, I really did bring a curse upon those I had sworn to protect, and I really was responsible for the capturing of a young, innocent woman – though she was no great beauty, from within or without.
It all started with arrogance and pride, and then debts and lies and illusions, and after that, a rose of course. It always is about a rose. Let us not forget the mirrors, and all that came after that.
This story is mine, and it is about the bonds of kindness and loyalty and love, and of beauty and what it really means. And if it was not for one who dedicated herself to light and its magic, it might never have happened at all.
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