2 episodes
"Mission-9" is a science fiction comic about zoologist Basil, botanist Werther and "Computer-Guy" Tristan.
The three are stationed at the planet "Mission-9" to research it, and find out if it is suitable for a human colony.
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"Mission-9" is a science fiction comic about zoologist Basil, botanist Werther and "Computer-Guy" Tristan.
The three are stationed at the planet "Mission-9" to research it, and find out if it is suitable for a human colony.
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More by the creator
Comic LGBTQ+ 114.1k likes
Fans also read
Earth in a Pocket
Comic Science fiction 4.8k likes
Fans also read
Space used to be a Peaceful Place
Comic Science fiction 7k likes
Fans also read
Brain in a Jar
Comic Science fiction 17.1k likes
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Comic Science fiction 52.3k likes
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Long Exposure
Comic LGBTQ+ 2.3m likes