It’s cold and dark without an ounce of light in my surrounding, I can’t move my body nor can I feel whether my eyes are open or not, to put it simply it seems that my senses have become quite numb….
More than that, Where am I!? For how long have I been here!? It feels like I am drifting in the river which is both calm and gentle, I tried to move my body to look around but I can’t feel my body, it is as if I don’t possess a body.
Leaving this sense of uneasiness aside, but how did I end up here!!? Last thing I remember…, eh!!? I can’t recall how did I ended up here…. nor can I remember where in the world is this place!! and it seems like my memories are hazy and things I remember are fragmented into bits and pieces, it’s like watching a movie so I can’t feel any emotion towards it, but it seems that I died but I can’t recall as to how did I though.
The flow of the river suddenly became faster as if it’s… “Wait, wait, wait, please be wrong, I don’t wann- Noooooooo!!!” while grieving on the fact, I drifted down into abyss like waterfall, a point light source down in abyss expanded and covered me and I lose my consciousness……
Lon…. Ince…. There has been quite a loud noise for a while but what are they trying to say?! I can’t fully comprehend what they are saying; to my astonishment glittering light shining like a jewel in the starless night sky enters my eyes.
“Long live prince! Long live the king! Long live Permarre kingdom!…” loud cheers became audible after a while but more than that
“Auuu buu(where am I?)” I tried to speak but no meaningful words came out “auu euu(eh! I can’t speak properly)” I slightly freaked and tried looking around to analyze my surrounding, but to my surprise I was being carried by a man with a woman standing beside her both wearing quite expensive-looking clothes, I can’t properly evaluate their feature due to unable to focus, may due to opening eyes after a long time or due to some other reason but one thing is certain that both of them are quite beautiful.
Within few steps are 3 more people, a woman with blue hair with quite well-trained body and to her left is another woman with blond hair with nice proportioned body, suddenly a chill passed down my spine, I looked around hastily and noticed, there was a young girl about 3-4 years giving me a curious gaze… Le-Let’s continue to ignore her yeah! but she is quite cute herself.
There are loud cheering going on for quite some time, I tried looking around only to be surprised by a large group of people going “long live prince!! Long live the king!!”
“Aurett butrr quup(who is this prince!!?)” I dazed for a bit as to for whom they are cheering, I looked around to see the prince and the king, but to my surprise they were nowhere to be found and suddenly
“Lex, look, they are cheering for you, you are the first prince of the kingdom, so wave to them” said the man holding me
“Dear, he is only a few days old; he can’t understand what you are saying”
I realized few things from the conversation between the couple holding me, it seems that the prince from the cheering is most probably me and the couple holding me are my parents, the king and the queen of the kingdom and it seems I was born a few days ago.
There are few things I would like to say…. WHAT THE HELL?!! I am a prince!? The last thing I remember is flowing down the waterfall and now I’m a prince of some kingdom!!? What’s going on!!?
“Lex, are you alright? Are you hungry? The diaper doesn’t seem to be dirtied” asked mother while touching my diaper after interrupting my distress for…. my uncontrollable private parts while I was freaked out after realizing the reality, but still it’s quite embarrassing to have a beautiful woman touch my private parts even though she is my mother….
I smiled stiffly towards her to reassure her that nothing is wrong “oh! It seems everything is alright” said my dad as I smiled towards them, but on closer look both my parents are quite a beauty themselves, my mother is a gorgeous type of beauty with ash-blond hair color, well-proportioned body with caring and the noble aura around her which amplifies her gorgeousness on other hand my father appears of little wild and energetic type with red hair and nice jaw line, his body appears to be quite well trained, well I guess I will be quite handsome myself in future huh, watch out of for future ladies!, leaving the jokes, I noticed something peculiar, my mother has a tail on her butt and a pair of wings growing from her back and a pair of thick and large horns are borne on my father’s forehead.
Well, it seems like my parents are not humans huh, whoa!! I may grow wings or horns in future but will it suit me….?, leaving that blast of contrast emotion aside for a while, I now kinda speculate where I am… but let’s leave that troublesome thing for the future after gaining more info on my situation
“Lex!, can you hear them cheering for you? You know they are the people of our kingdom who came today just for you, it’s your responsibility as the first prince to meet their expectations…. but first grow properly so that you can make them proud, well anyway, I wonder if you can even understand what I am” dad pointed at the crowd below while patting my head with other hand
I peeked from the balcony at the crowd gathered at the front gate of the castle; I became fascinated at the scenery of the people from young to old cheering enthusiastically in the starry sky with moonlight lightly illuminating the surrounding.
This scene became the pivot to the legend of the first prince of Permarre kingdom, which is later named by historians as the moonlit beginning.
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