6 episodes
Episode 1
The Mountain Top
May 14, 2018257 views
Episode 2
May 17, 2018157 views
Episode 3
May 22, 2018173 views
Episode 4
Morgana LeFaye VII
May 26, 2018124 views
Episode 5
May 31, 2018102 views
Episode 6
Sister Pa
Jun 06, 201889 views
Morgana's Keep has been hidden from the world for centuries. A safe haven for the most potent magic in the world, and those who are talented enough to wield it. Spending her life focused on the most intricate magics in the world, Theocharista has had little time to wonder about life outside of Morgana's Keep. Or so her tutors would like to say. With her and her fellow reincarnation's coming of age ceremonies quickly approaching, Theocharista finds herself confronted with a choice.
Will Theocharista stay in The Keep and face the trials ahead of her, or will she find a way out?
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Morgana's Keep has been hidden from the world for centuries. A safe haven for the most potent magic in the world, and those who are talented enough to wield it. Spending her life focused on the most intricate magics in the world, Theocharista has had little time to wonder about life outside of Morgana's Keep. Or so her tutors would like to say. With her and her fellow reincarnation's coming of age ceremonies quickly approaching, Theocharista finds herself confronted with a choice.
Will Theocharista stay in The Keep and face the trials ahead of her, or will she find a way out?
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