3 episodes
Episode 1
How I felt Inside Now, Honey
May 04, 2021724 views
Episode 2
From Kether to Malkuth
Jul 13, 2021314 views
Episode 3
Like the Eyes of a Cat in the Black and Blue
Apr 17, 2022169 views
So, an entire year passed, and the Phantom Thieves meet again at Leblanc. Many news and love in the air make Morgana feel uneasy for not being able to confess his love for Lady Ann. Disappointed at himself, Morgana runs away and his decision triggers an event that can change his life.
Mona is back, it is time to take the treasure, become human and conquer Lady Ann!
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So, an entire year passed, and the Phantom Thieves meet again at Leblanc. Many news and love in the air make Morgana feel uneasy for not being able to confess his love for Lady Ann. Disappointed at himself, Morgana runs away and his decision triggers an event that can change his life.
Mona is back, it is time to take the treasure, become human and conquer Lady Ann!
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