Ding ding, the elevator doors slide open to reveal an empty space. I step in, the floor creaks below me. I turn to face the doors as they slide shut, and reveal mirrors. I press the button for the third floor. With a screech, the elevator starts to slowly make its way up. Then I hear them “come closer” slight whispers. No one around for me to ask did you hear that. Thinking I'm insane, I let it go. But then I hear it again “come closer.”
“Who said that,”I say out loud “ Am I going crazy” I almost shout, to loud. Ding ding the elevator goes again, marking the reaching of the second floor. I look up, I could see a girl with dark brown hair, and large violet eyes, in the corner of the elevator clutching her knees, in a fetal pose. I hadn’t realized that the fear I felt had made me go into that pose, in the corner of the elevator. Then I saw her, behind me.
“Help me” she whispered in a childish voice. I look behind me but no one was there, I look back at my reflection, and there she was again. “Help me” I hear again.
Then a face appeared in the mirror. It was but a faint outline but I was able to make out a man's face. “Don't” he said in a big booming voice. It made me jump. I had taken this old elevator a hundred times before, and it's been creepy but never this creepy. The elevator starts to rattle, and the man continues, each word more frightening than the next “She’s here to take you through the mirrors to the……” he is stopped by the dinging of the elevator marking the third and final floor till I can get off this death trap.
Just as the doors slide open to reveal the place I never want to be, yet feels comforting at the moment, the girl says one last thing that really gets to me “help me” still the same squeaky childlike voice “you are the chosen one.”
Without thinking I ran into the office, so fast that I looked as if I were a blur. At least that‘s what I was told by Katie. She was also kind enough to tell me that I look like a small tornado hit and I was stuck in the middle. I look down to see my clothing. My white button-up was half tucked in and halve hanging out of my long pencil skirt, that now sat unevenly on my hips. I walk down the hall, took a left, and headed into the bathroom. Walking into the bathroom, to fix my disaster I call clothing, I take a quick look in the mirror. My once-tight bun, with not an ounce of hair sticking out now disheveled, with flyaways in every direction, and my bun only half holding together. My eyes red and puffy, was I crying, I don't remember doing so, my mascara and eyeliner were running down my face, and my red lipstick slightly smudged, looking as if Harley Quinn herself did my lips.
I couldn't handle this today, not today, marking the two anniversary since my husband has passed. I call my boss and told her that I wasn't feeling well and that I couldn't go to work. She knows today is a hard day for me, so she let it go. “Alright I heard her say through the phone, but you better log in extra hours tomorrow.” and that was the end of that.
I exit the bathroom and head to the stairs, I’d be damned to hell before I use that elevator again. I reached the stairs, to find a sign stating the stairs were undergoing renovation, and to use the elevator. Just my luck, I head to the elevator hoping that it’s not empty. I get there and press the down button. Ding ding, the elevator goes, opening up to reveal an empty space. My heart pounds, so hard that it felt like it was leaping out, trying to break out of my skin and run for the hills. My feet did not want to move, did not want to take that first step. I let out a deep huff, and step into the elevator.
The doors slide shut at what seemed faster than normal. I looked around, wide-eyed, expecting the worse, yet nothing happened. I just stood there in silence, but that silence didn’t last long. The man reappeared in the mirror letting out a deep grumble that startled me. ¨Excuse me,¨ he said in his deep voice, that sounded familiar, I just couldn't put her finger on it. I point to myself puzzled. ¨yes, you. What are you doing back here, you're not supposed to be back, it's not safe.¨
¨wellI didn't have a choice. I'll be off soon enough¨ I let out a sigh and started to pace. I had really gone insane, I thought, this is it I need mental help, I've finally lost it.
¨Sorry maḿe¨ the same childish voice from before behind me. ¨but if my realm is to be saved, you must enter¨
my eyeś widen. I didn't think my heart could beat any faster, but it did. ¨what¨ bum bum bum, my heart goes faster and faster.
Ding ding the elevator goes marking the second floor. I felt a sharp pain go through my back, poking out my stomach was the tip of a knife. I couldn't breathe, my life flashed in front of me. I clutched the wound, as the warm crimson blood flowed out of me. ¨you see¨ the young girl said as I started to slip out of life's grasp ¨in order for you to help me, you must live among me.¨ everything went black.
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