3 episodes
Episode 1
Part 1
Oct 04, 2017355 views
Episode 2
Part 2
Nov 08, 2017144 views
Episode 3
Part 1 of part 3
Mar 02, 2018109 views
It's hard to breathe. My vision is blurry, it won't focus. I feel as if I'm in a haze. I can't move. A heavy weight is forcing itself down on me. I feel like I'm sinking, I'm draining away and there's no way out. My mind is between two worlds, trying to grasp itself onto reality. My eyes flick open again and again. I know I'm losing, but his voice keeps bringing me back. Soft and encouraging. He won't let it have me, I know he won't. I have to wake up. For Him. For all of them.
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It's hard to breathe. My vision is blurry, it won't focus. I feel as if I'm in a haze. I can't move. A heavy weight is forcing itself down on me. I feel like I'm sinking, I'm draining away and there's no way out. My mind is between two worlds, trying to grasp itself onto reality. My eyes flick open again and again. I know I'm losing, but his voice keeps bringing me back. Soft and encouraging. He won't let it have me, I know he won't. I have to wake up. For Him. For all of them.
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