-I Sit Under My Desk and Choke-
The ticking of the clock was starting to get on my nerves.
I laid my head in my hands and ruffled my fingers through my hair slightly and stared at the blank page in front of me in frustration.
“What’s wrong with me?” I said aloud to myself.
“I used to be able to write pages of these non-stop!” I yelled, leaning back on my chair and throwing a scrunched up piece of paper at the wall in front of me aggressively.
I was sat at the messy desk of my crappy studio apartment beneath my loft bed, which was fixed to the wall above me. There were clothes and balls of paper everywhere, and I hadn’t gone outside in days. It was dark out, and the only light that was on was the lamp above my desk, which let a small, warm yellow light out through the apartment. I tapped my pen on the desk and tried to come up with an idea. Any idea.
I had spent the last days messing around with guitar chords and rhythms, but nothing sounded good. The ones I thought were decent ended up being similar, sometimes almost identical to my previous, pre-existing songs.
“C’mon Alex, just put together words that sound good. You’ve done it plenty of times before without trouble. Just… Do what you did then… Whatever that was…” I said as I threw my head into my hands and hunched over my desk again. Right in the middle of my crisis, my phone buzzed from somewhere under a million piles of paper, books and trash. I fished through my mess for it and turned the screen on. The blue-light immediately stung my eyes and I squinted at the screen like a ninety year-old without glasses. It was a new message from my other bandmate.
Hey man, how you doin, didn’t interrupt
Anything did i?
Just my mental breakdown :)
Aw my bad, still struggling
With the new sound?
Existence is pain.
I wish I could help, dude,
but , U know i’m no good with that
Writing stuff.
I did try.
Then i set the paper on fire and
Sent it to hell
Where it belongs
Well let me know if you have any
Ideas at all. I could really use it.
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