2 episodes
Episode 1
Feb 13, 202533 views
Episode 2
Episode 1 Part 1 The Stranger
Feb 15, 202516 views
A wounded man wakes in the wilderness, barely clinging to life. He stumbles upon a remote cabin, where a quiet but skilled Teen and an enigmatic Man take him in. As he recovers, unease sets in.
At first, the Stranger tells himself he’s being paranoid. That his real enemies—the men who left him for dead—are the only threat. But the longer he stays, the more he realizes the real danger isn’t outside the cabin. It’s inside.
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A wounded man wakes in the wilderness, barely clinging to life. He stumbles upon a remote cabin, where a quiet but skilled Teen and an enigmatic Man take him in. As he recovers, unease sets in.
At first, the Stranger tells himself he’s being paranoid. That his real enemies—the men who left him for dead—are the only threat. But the longer he stays, the more he realizes the real danger isn’t outside the cabin. It’s inside.
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