"Um Sábado Qualquer" (Once Upon a Sabbath) is an award-winning series of Brazilian comic strips spanning over a decade, whose lighthearted manner stimulates critical thinking and the acceptance of religious diversity. It has a pretty significant following in the Portuguese language, with over 2.7 million Facebook page likes, and is now being translated for English-speaking audiences. There will be one post a day starting from June 20th 2022, stay tuned!
“Um Sábado Qualquer" (Once Upon a Sabbath) is an award-winning series of Brazilian comic strips spanning over a decade, whose lighthearted manner stimulates critical thinking and the acceptance of religious diversity. It has a pretty significant following in the Portuguese language, with over 2.7 million Facebook page likes, and is now being translated for English-speaking audiences. New episodes every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday (churchgoing days...)
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