2 episodes
Character growth does not happen on its own. Certain things must occur for change to happen. A story of magic and friendship.
This world is not as it seems. Cracks connect it to worlds and dimensions beyond human science and understanding. Those cracks are widening. And people are getting sucked through.
Kat feels empty. There’s no reason why, really. She lives the upper-middle-class dream. She’s got everything she needs, and plenty of what she wants. But, when her grandfather has a stroke, she leaps at the opportunity to leave her home, just so that maybe she might feel anything. Then things start to go south, and cracks in her reality start to open, spreading wider and wider.
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Character growth does not happen on its own. Certain things must occur for change to happen. A story of magic and friendship.
This world is not as it seems. Cracks connect it to worlds and dimensions beyond human science and understanding. Those cracks are widening. And people are getting sucked through.
Kat feels empty. There’s no reason why, really. She lives the upper-middle-class dream. She’s got everything she needs, and plenty of what she wants. But, when her grandfather has a stroke, she leaps at the opportunity to leave her home, just so that maybe she might feel anything. Then things start to go south, and cracks in her reality start to open, spreading wider and wider.
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