Dre and were watching Key and peel cracking up after me letting him in on the news.
The Key turned in the front door and Andrew walked through the door.
“Hey baby,” I said, kissing him.
“Hey bro!” Deandre said, dapping him. “What yall been up to?” Drew asked. “Nothing much,” I said while sitting down on Dre’s lap.
“There's food in the oven I cooked lasagna and garlic bread,” Dre said, rubbing his hands together.
“Well, I cooked fried fish,” I blurted out Drew started smiling “Damn all this for me,” he said laughing.
“You know We love you,” I said, rubbing Drew's chest.
Drew looked at me then back at Dre “what's going on?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
Dre walked to the kitchen. “Where are you going?” He asked. Now was the perfect time to tell everyone.
“I’m pregnant” I screamed out
“Pregnant” Drew said smiling. “Yes, I said pregnant”
I told drew as he placed his face on my belly to listen.
“Get off my baby,” Dre said, running into the kitchen and tackling drew into the floor.
“Tell him destiny!” Dre yelled; elbowing drew.
Dre had Andrew in a headlock. Dre’s height destroyed Andrew by a long slide he is like the tall, awkward lanky little brother in the family. He had grown into his looks and worked out his body for the complete package.
DeAndre- was dark like raw coffee with a head full of hair that added to his height minimum facial hair, dark brown eyes, and a deep voice. The punches started off as taps but then it turned into a real fight and punches started being thrown.
“STOP FIGHTING!” “I DON'T KNOW WHO, BABY IT IS...” “We will just have to find out...”
“I'm horny and tired,” I whined out because they were ignoring me.
Drew slung Dre and stood up “let me please you baby,” he said smiling. Now drew my college sweetheart. Drew was shorter than Dre, but bulk and muscle-wise could crush Dre’s thin frame. He is as yellow as they come. Peanut butter to my milk chocolate with a perfect light eye to match. He kept his hair cleanly cut.
Dre stood next to him “it’s my turn” he fussed.
“Yeah, true! Drew.” “We were together yesterday,” I said, recalling my memory.
They augured for an entire minute and then came up with the decision to share.
That was new, we always had shifts. I didn't mind.
We went into the bedroom and tried many positions. Until we found out what worked for everybody. It was simple Dre loved head. So, I sucked him off while drew pounded my guts.
Then we rotated I rode Dre and sucked drew off.
The best one was when drew was in my ass and Dre was pounding into me.
I made them stand next to each other as I got on my knees and sucked them both off.
Sex was very pleasurable. Me being pregnant made them share.
Those two have always been best friends, and they said that they would never let a female break them up.
That was until they met me.
Dre is my fiancé and drew is my husband. I'm pregnant and this is our brief story.
My name is destiny P cape lol that’s where the poly came from polynya is my middle name. My husband is Mr. Andrew cape my fiancé is Deandre Evans.
We all met in college, best friends with me being only 5 feet they took up for me and protected me. Drew was always a sweetheart, coming around flirting with flowers and gifts. I had more in common with Dre but the chemistry wasn’t there I had no interest other than friends at first.
In college after a frat party, I got stranded on my way out of town with an ex it became violent and blows were exchanged, I was being held hostage at gunpoint, and drew drove 4 hours to Save me and from that moment we were inseparable Me and Andrew started going strong about 6 years of us together. I was scared and was staring death in the eyes “Pull the damn trigger if you are going to pull it” my short ass had a gun pressed to my forehead but I still wasn’t scared. The Argument was about Andrew, Us getting too close and hanging out on and off was making his football team talk. He wanted to know if we were fucking and lying to his face, He kept calling me a damn goblin and that I was sent to destroy him. “Ques I was born loyal it's in me I am not cheating” I tried to convince him but he wasn’t hearing it. “Bitch I am not stupid” he cursed me. “All my niggas talk and they said you are secretly getting slutted out!” Quez said holding the gun steady and cocking it.
Did I have a crush on Drew of course damn near the whole university did, He was Andrew Cape and he had the credentials. I was happy to just be friends with him. “look me in my eyes and tell me you ain't do nothing with that nigga” Ques yelled. I looked him in his eyes telling the same truth that I had been telling since I got a text from Drew while we were on our way from Texas.
-Previously- Ques was raping to his music while driving we had just left a gas station to pick up our favorite snacks. Ques and I were on our way to one of the biggest games in his soon-to-be career. My phone pinged and I smiled to see a text from Drew- He sent a picture of him in Italy he was there to study architecture. I’m home now- he texted. I texted back Yayy that looks beautiful wish I could have seen it in person. “DESTINY!” I picked my head up from my phone. “did you not hear what I said”? he asked. “No, I am sorry” I looked at him his music was turned off and everything and he had a frown on his face. “what's so damn important that you didn’t hear me” “I was reading Andrews text he was in Italy” I explained trying to show the text. “I don’t want to see that nigga” Quez said knocking my phone out my hand. “that wasn’t that damn serious you act like he's naked,” I said rolling my eyes and reaching for my phone. “Why is he texting you in the first place?” he asked. “he showed me a pic” I shook my head again. “yall be texting a lot huh?” I looked at him trying to see what he was trying to say. “Not like that on and off” I explained. “Why are you texting him and you got a man,” he asked. “Do I have a man?” I said pissed I didn’t like violence and knocking something out of someone's hand is rude as fuck.
“What the FUCK does that mean?” he asked with a heavy tone. “chill out because I didn’t do anything to you and you coming for me” I explained. I felt myself getting upset so I put my headphones in and tried to calm myself down. I bobbed my head to one of my favorite songs and scrolled through my phone. He was tripping and I didn’t need the negative energy Ques is always on his phone texting 24/8. The audacity of him to question me over nothing. My attitude was just about gone but out of nowhere he snatches my headphones out of my ears and it was on and popping I slapped the hell out of him.
He swerved the car and punched me so hard I wasn’t able to breathe. He pulled the car over into a ditch almost flipping it. “Why the fuck did you put your hand on me bitch!” he yelled. Grabbing me violently I got my oxygen back and fought him back punching him in the eye. “Little fucking golbin!” tried to pin me up but I broke free, running and I called Drew screaming and crying. I could hear him chasing me. Ques and I never hit each other let alone argued he was acting out of character. Ques was the littest person that I know he was always chill and everybody loved him. “Imma kill you bitch” he roared. I ran as far as I COULD sending Drew my location. I was scared at this point and confused I never showed dishonesty towards him. So I didn’t understand where this was coming from. Who was in his ear I loved Ques and at this point, I wasn’t sure if he loved me? I stopped running.
“Why do you see me in that way” I had to ask. “Destiny stop LYING TO ME!” spit flew out his mouth and the gun was read and so was I. “I wanted to marry you but the whole team said you after my money” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing I hated he say she say shit why didn’t he just trust me. “I only want you and I've only ever been with you!” I am still a virgin” I tried to plead my case. “Let me see,” he said. I looked around Ques and I had never seen each other naked. “no! I don’t want it to be like this” I felt like I was going to cry the picture was painted and We were in the middle of nowhere and I was about to go missing and the star athlete was going to get off. My chest was tight I was about to die and I didn’t even do anything. “Show me!” he yelled. I didn’t have a choice we had been out here for hours it felt like. If I wanted to leave this field, I was going to have to prove that I didn’t have anything going on with Drew.
“I won't say anything if you let me go” I cried. “fuck them tears look at my face people will have so many questions you just ruined my fucking life I hate you!” “I didn’t do anything” I screamed. I scanned through my memory and nothing came up Drew and I did a half hug once but nothing else. “you hiding shit give me your phone” I couldn’t give him my phone because Drew was tracking my location with the police. “See you hiding something. “POP” he fired one shot into the air. “I peed I couldn’t help it. “One more damn time are yall fucking behind my back?” “no” my words were hitting death's ears. “then who he the short girl that’s passing around STD” he laughed. “Not me that’s not enough information” “the short bitch that’s cheating behind her nigga back why he is out on his games” I couldn’t believe it Ques was stupid well I knew It but not at this level. “I go to everyone of your games” I explained. “Not my last one!” and here it was the real reason we were out here. I wasn’t at his game because I was at the hospital with a friend Brittany, and it was private I promised not to tell her business. “talk” he yelled and pointed the gun back at me. “I promised I wouldn’t tell you that ain't my business” “See I fucking knew it, that nigga gone move on to the next bitch watch you won't matter”
Sirens rang in the distance. “You called the police?” he yelled. I dropped my phone and took off running toward the sound. I turned around only once to see the gun still in his hand and him looking through my phone. My phone is never locked so as soon as he picked It up, he found nothing. I wave the police down the road. They ran past me gun up and out into the field.
Drew grabbed me and held me, it was silent the only sound was his calming heartbeat then 20 gun shots in the distance. I instantly broke out in tears I didn’t want anybody to die nor did I see my day going this way.
Everything was perfect from that day on… Drew is a wanted man Every woman and man alike wanted Drew them eyes had them in a trance. But he only had eyes for little ole me and everybody knew it. We were known as “DrewDestiny” It sounded cute I always heard “TrueDestiny” and that’s what people called us we were never apart even our classes and long hours of studying couldn’t keep us apart.
But every cloud releases rain eventually Drew changed after college. He developed an alter ego! He didn’t act the same His entire demeanor changed. He changed into a real fuck boy after we graduated; He acted as if he had millions and yeah; he got offered an outstanding job at the biggest architect company, but it wasn’t an excuse.
He basically made me feel unwanted, so I did what any chick would do…
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