PPSBU. (Search and Protection of Supernatural Brazil United)
1 episode
Ágata and Alex are an unusual couple who work at PPSBU (Research and Protection of the Supernatural Brazil United) who are arrested for helping citizens from all states in Brazil to protect themselves and live in harmony with supernatural beings who are under government research and protection. . A couple with so many differences who work towards the same goal, helping whoever they can and receiving their salary to survive.
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PPSBU. (Pesquisa e Protecao do Sobrenatural Brasil Unido)
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Ágata and Alex are an unusual couple who work at PPSBU (Research and Protection of the Supernatural Brazil United) who are arrested for helping citizens from all states in Brazil to protect themselves and live in harmony with supernatural beings who are under government research and protection. . A couple with so many differences who work towards the same goal, helping whoever they can and receiving their salary to survive.
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More by the creator
PPSBU. (Pesquisa e Protecao do Sobrenatural Brasil Unido)
Comic Action Fantasy 1 like
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Vamp Sabbath
Comic Mystery 395.5k likes
Fans also read
Hayden's notes
Comic Mystery 148.9k likes
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The Search for Henry Jekyll
Comic Mystery 41.3k likes
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Comic Mystery 216k likes
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Long Exposure
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