There once was a young maiden who, in all of Wonderland, was considered beautiful beyond compare. Her countenance was fair and pure like the virgin snow. Within her domain, she was crowned the White Queen. She was a benevolent queen who was kind and wise to her subjects. None held as much influence as she except for one.
The neighboring kingdom was ruled by a much darker entity, the ‘Queen’ of Hearts; a young lad who was the malevolent mirror image of the White Queen. He inspired fear in his subjects.
Wonderland was ruled by twin sovereigns, one trying to kill the other. They would play their games against one another using the same pawn, ‘Alice’.
It first started with a young lass by the name of Alice, who ventured into Wonderland by accident, following the white rabbit. She was an odd child, spouting nonsense here and there. But this child had garnered the attention of both the monarchs. One of which openly sought to harm her and the other to protect her all while playing their favorite game. But despite everything she had endured, Alice had left Wonderland as the victor of the twin’s game.
That did not satisfy one of the monarchs. Therefore, the rules to their game were revised.
If ‘Alice’ won, they would be free to leave Wonderland.
If ‘Alice’ lost, they would be forced to forever serve the court.
If ‘Alice’ and the Queens tied, the corresponding Queen would forfeit their title and ‘Alice’ would become Queen.
After the first ‘Alice’, none had come close to winning. Those who were formerly ‘Alice’ within the White Queen’s dominion became high class servants ranging from different ages of men, women, and children. No one knew what happened to the poor souls that lost to the dreaded ‘Queen’ of Hearts for none were seen again.
The ‘Queen’ of Hearts kept to himself. He kept his distance from his servants, never conversing with them unlike the White Queen. Compared to his twin sister’s radiance, he was gloomy and reserved. His complexion was as pale as death and hair as dark as night; his eyes were like a pair of forlorn rubies, holding his resentment for his unrequited love. He wore a mask to hide his weakness.
He preferred the company of his rose garden, tending to it daily.
He cared deeply for the White Queen; he had once offered a truce between the two factions. But the White Queen refused for she loathed her twin brother greatly, and her words still haunted the somber monarch.
“You are nothing to me. The only reason you are still alive is because Wonderland needs two Queens. But I will soon change that silly law once I have bested you. This never-ending game shall soon come to an end and only one of us will remain.”
The White Queen was not who she was made out to be, the ‘Queen’ of Hearts knew this all too well. The White Queen, as kind as she was to her subjects, was vile and sinister to anyone outside of her court. When the first ‘Alice’ appeared in Wonderland, it was the White Queen who wanted to erase the foreign entity. She played her mind games on Alice, tricking her into trusting her and sent her to her death, to the ‘Queen’ of Hearts.
But the ‘Queen’ of Hearts couldn’t beat Alice for he had fallen for her. Therefore, he had let her win his game. He hated the idea of her staying in such a place as Wonderland, but he didn’t want to let her go either.
That had displeased the White Queen and she had revised the rules. Every ‘Alice’ that had come after never left Wonderland. Sadly, no ‘Alice’ lived passed losing to the ‘Queen’ of Hearts for they became part of his garden.
Trumpets sounded, heralding the arrival of yet another poor soul sent from the White Queen. A young maiden who seemed of marrying age wondered into his garden, curtseying.
“Greetings, child. Welcome to my desolate, solemn domain. I am the ‘Queen’ of Hearts.” He bowed ever so slightly at the waist, exchanging the same boring formalities as he had done for the previous ‘Alice’. The young maiden looked at him with a puzzled expression as he turned to tend to his beloved garden.
“You are no Queen. You’re a man!”
The ‘Queen’ of Hearts chuckled, plucking a deep crimson rose from a bush. He spun on his heels to face ‘Alice’. “And you, my dear child, are just a pawn.” He stated with an elegant smile. He brought the rose to his lips, tearing a petal from it and swallowing. “Surely, you must know that not everything in Wonderland is not what it appears to be. Or did the White Queen not explain everything to you?” he questioned.
‘Alice’ looked appalled and confused. The ‘Queen’ of Hearts sighed as he had expected as much.
“Her Majesty told me everything that I needed to know.”
“Oh, really? What did she tell you?”
“That you were a ruthless tyrant, a disease plaguing Wonderland. That you needed to be stopped.” she explained.
“Is that so…” he paused. He knew that was his sister’s favorite lie. It didn’t surprise him at all. He slowly approached ‘Alice’, grabbing her chin gently. “And what is it that you seek to gain from this?” he questioned.
“Whatever do you mean?” she hesitated, feigning ignorance.
The ‘Queen’ of Hearts released her and walked further into his garden, motioning her to follow as he led the way through a maze.
“You’re acting is commendable… But, you cannot fool these eyes of mine, young lass.” He explained, tapping the side of his mask. ‘Alice’s innocent expression changed to arrogance. “And here I thought I was doing so well.” She said with a smug smirk.
Silence fell between the two as they approached the center, a small table in a quaint pavilion sat in the cobblestone center.
“Would you like to have some tea with me?” The ‘Queen’ of Hearts asked.
“You’re joking, right?”
“You should be honored that I am allowing you within my garden, child. Do not take my generosity lightly. Now, please, sit.” He said, pulling a chair out for ‘Alice’.
Silence fell once again as ‘Alice’ and the ‘Queen’ of Hearts sat at the table. ‘Alice’ watched as the ‘Queen’ of Hearts plucked white rose petals from the bouquet on the table and eat them. She was awestruck, captivated by the man before her. He gave her an alluring smile. “Try one, they are rather delicious.” He said, breaking the silence.
As to not anger the ‘Queen’ of Hearts, ‘Alice’ plucked a rose petal. It had a velvety texture and tasted quite pleasant. She began to eat more. “I’m happy you like them. You should drink your tea before it goes cold.” He said. ‘Alice’ did as she was told, drinking the tea which had oddly thick consistency. In the back of her mind, she had a nagging feeling that something wasn’t right; that she was forgetting something important.
Faint hallucinations began to cloud her vision, things would appear more grotesque for an instant. She rubbed her eyes and brushed it off. She reached for another rose petal, pulling out a whole flower instead. As she plucked and ate the petals one by one, she noticed the center had a round bulb. ‘Alice’ slowly peeled back the center bud, revealing an eye. She let out a scream, throwing the thing aside and standing from her chair, knocking her teacup off the table. Her knees buckled as she dropped to the ground, vomiting.
The ‘Queen’ of Hearts laughed hysterically as the reality that ‘Alice’ saw crumbled. “You were so easily deceived, you all were!”
“What do you mean?”
“Look around you, dear child. You were not the first to come…And certainly not the last.”
‘Alice’ noticed the bushes that surround the pavilion were humanoid in shape, some still retained flesh and hair. Some were still cognitive, dying slowly.
“No! This can’t be! I am Alice!”
The ‘Queen’ of Hearts approached ‘Alice’. “No, you are just a fake. A pawn brought to Wonderland, so the White Queen can continue playing her game.” He explained. ‘Alice’ frantically threw her teacup, knocking the ‘Queen’ of Hearts’ mask off. He covered his face and searched for it. ‘Alice’ grabbed closest knife and slashed the ‘Queen’ of Hearts’ throat. Brilliant scarlet blood flowed.
“I will not lose! The White Queen promised to erase my crimes if I brought her your eyes.” She said, kicking down the ‘Queen’ of Hearts’ body. He smiled sinisterly and chuckled. “You’re a fool, child.” he said as he lifted himself up with ease. “You cannot take that which is already broken.
‘Alice’ was frozen with fear as the ‘Queen’ of Hearts grasped her collar, bringing her closer. “You’re pride and greed is what brought you here. And shall be your undoing.” He said, looking deep into the young maiden’s eyes. Her fate was reflected within the ‘Queen’ of Hearts’ vibrant ruby colored eyes, which resembled shattered glass. From the cracks leaked vermillion tears. He kissed her, forcing her to swallow something. She pushed herself away.
“What did you do to me?!”
“I have merely planted my seed within you, my dear. You have lost this game and shall forfeit your title as ‘Alice’ Your punishment is to paint my roses red.” He explained.
The young maiden writhed and stumbled about, her veins bulged and convulsed. Her legs sprouted roots, planting her feet firmly to the ground. The ‘Queen’ of Hearts ripped the maiden’s dress from her body as branches and leaves jutted from her belly. The maiden gave out shrieks of pain and her face contorted in agony.
“Do not fret, child. You’ll give birth to beautiful roses. Your sin shall dye them an exquisite color.” He said as he cupped her face, wiping her tears away gently. Shortly, her throat and mouth were filled with thorns, suffocating her.
The ‘Queen’ of Hearts smiled with delight as beautiful rose bloomed. “See, child, I told you they would be beautiful!” he said as he closed the maiden’s eyes. He plucked a petal and ate it.
There once was a lad who was forced to be ‘Queen’. He inspired fear in his subjects and longed for the affection of Alice. He played a continuous game with the White Queen, who sought to take his crown. He swore to never let ‘Alice’ escape from him for there were over eighty in his garden. He would never let his beloved sister obtain the victory she desperately craved. Their favorite game would never see an end until one remains.
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