3 episodes
Episode 1
N&TC: 1
Aug 08, 2022505 views
Episode 2
N&TC: 2
Aug 01, 2023108 views
Episode 3
N&TC: 3
Aug 21, 2023101 views
PSD is about Gamma Nightingale, fake name James, and her adventures in the Caribbean Sea during the early 18th century.
She finds treasure, runs from the British Navy, and explores the high seas!
(Please excuse the mess with the banner, thumbnail & cover, I just put up placeholders till' I draw them!!)
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PSD is about Gamma Nightingale, fake name James, and her adventures in the Caribbean Sea during the early 18th century.
She finds treasure, runs from the British Navy, and explores the high seas!
(Please excuse the mess with the banner, thumbnail & cover, I just put up placeholders till' I draw them!!)
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