3 episodes
Episode 1
The Mighty Star Seeker
Aug 14, 2023231 views
Episode 2
A Roof Over Both Our Heads
Aug 14, 2023120 views
Episode 3
My First Royal Gathering In Seven Days
Aug 14, 202381 views
"I gave my love to evil Queens, and this happened..."
A single yet vast powerful and proud bloodline of evil Queens and Princesses, managed to take over the world, heaven, and hell. In this bloodline lives a kind little prince. With his evil best friend, the former Unbeatable Orc Queen who was forced into servitude, he ventures from the castle on his 9th birthday to see the world like in his story books. Though he quickly finds out the women of his vast family want him dead. But his determination for a fun and exciting adventure with his best friend, shows that neither death nor torture will keep him from his dreams. While showing the world how cruel he can be if anyone dared harm his hateful best friend.
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"I gave my love to evil Queens, and this happened..."
A single yet vast powerful and proud bloodline of evil Queens and Princesses, managed to take over the world, heaven, and hell. In this bloodline lives a kind little prince. With his evil best friend, the former Unbeatable Orc Queen who was forced into servitude, he ventures from the castle on his 9th birthday to see the world like in his story books. Though he quickly finds out the women of his vast family want him dead. But his determination for a fun and exciting adventure with his best friend, shows that neither death nor torture will keep him from his dreams. While showing the world how cruel he can be if anyone dared harm his hateful best friend.
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