3 episodes
Episode 1
Sep 07, 20147.1k views
Episode 2
Scene I
Jan 29, 20153.8k views
Episode 3
Scene II
Mar 10, 20154.4k views
Las Vegas, NV | 1990
Luci Lavigne is a former entertainment worker looking to settle down into a slightly more laid back profession: bartending. However, between a tangled love life and trying to keep a struggling casino afloat in a crime-ridden underground district, rest and relaxation have never seemed so distant...
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Las Vegas, NV | 1990
Luci Lavigne is a former entertainment worker looking to settle down into a slightly more laid back profession: bartending. However, between a tangled love life and trying to keep a struggling casino afloat in a crime-ridden underground district, rest and relaxation have never seemed so distant...
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