9 episodes
Episode 1
I'm a good cook...
Sep 17, 2013306 views
Episode 2
That Damn Bridge
Sep 17, 2013185 views
Episode 3
Mountaine Deu?
Sep 17, 2013162 views
Episode 4
Oh, Laurence
Sep 17, 2013166 views
Episode 5
Sep 17, 2013194 views
Episode 6
Tossing Cookies
Sep 17, 2013235 views
Episode 7
I'm not cute!
Sep 17, 2013189 views
Episode 8
Deckard Mike?
Sep 17, 2013178 views
Episode 9
Say it again, I DARE you.
Sep 17, 2013516 views
Just a comic series about my everyday life.
If you're looking for consistent and frequent updates, I'm sorry but you're not going to get that here. I've been struggling with inspiration for comics for a while now, and frankly, I don't think they're that good (yay low self-esteem). But hey, if you're patient enough to wait it out, I hope I don't disappoint you.
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Just a comic series about my everyday life.
If you're looking for consistent and frequent updates, I'm sorry but you're not going to get that here. I've been struggling with inspiration for comics for a while now, and frankly, I don't think they're that good (yay low self-esteem). But hey, if you're patient enough to wait it out, I hope I don't disappoint you.
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