When the hunter touched the man, he thought to himself
Hunter: What is this person doing here?!
So he tried to wake the mysterious man, and once the hunter touched him, he woke up. He had white hair, red eyes, and a perfect body.
The hunter asks him, what are you doing here? "He responds with, "I'm not sure myself. I don't remember a thing, sounding confused."
Hunter: Oh well, do you remember your name?
He says I don't know. I can't recall anything that happened.
Hunter: Are you sure that you can't remember anything?
He says, yes, I'm sure that I can't remember. Just give me some time, but can you give me a name for now?
The hunter responds with, sure, let's call you Seraphim. Does that sound good?
Seraphim: Sure, I like the sound of that. What's your name?
Hunter: My name is Cernunnos.
Seraphim: That's a cool name!
Cernunnos: Thanks anyways. Let us get going, or we are going to get trapped.
Seraphim: What do you mean?
As they are talking, hordes of monsters start heading toward them.
The monsters make it before them when they start walking towards the stairs.
Cernunnos: Were trapped?!
Seraphim: Really, how do we get out of here?
Cernunnos: They are blocking the exit!
Seraphim: Those are low-level monsters. You can take them.
Cernunnos: Really, how can you tell?
Seraphim: I'm not sure I can tell
Cernunnos: Well, I hope I can trust you.
Seraphim: You can trust me.
When Seraphim Says that, Cernunnos starts heading straight into them and slashes right through them like it was nothing.
Cernunnos: Wow, you were right. What are they doing here?
Seraphim: The staircase.
Cernunnos: Oh, that makes sense.
Cernunnos: let's get going!
Seraphim: Alright, let's go.
It takes them three days to get out of the dungeon, and once they do, Seraphim is amazed because it is so bright outside and feels so warm on his skin.
Seraphim: So this is the outside world, huh? It's AMAZING OUT HERE!
Cernunnos: Hahaha, calm down. It's how it will mostly be out here, so get used to it.
Once they got out, they noticed an extraordinary and new presence with overwhelming magical pressure. Like a giant katana, a man was sitting on a rock with a sword more significant than his entire body. It was black, like carbon fiber.
He was covered in black armor, and you couldn't see any part of his body. He got up and sheathed his sword. He walked up to Seraphim and looked him up, down, and side to side. Seraphim said, "who might you be?" the man said, "my name is Kiya, prince of shadows."
Seraphim: I'm Seraphim. Why do you ask?
Kiya: I'm interested because, in fact, in my 500 hundred years in this world, I've never seen someone leave that dungeon except for you.
Seraphim: But I didn't come unattended Hunter brought me out here.
Kiya: And where might he be?
Cernunnos: I was the one who helped him out. He was asleep on the ground on the eleventh floor.
Kiya: Well then, hello like I told him, you boys are lucky to have escaped alive and in one piece, hahahahaha, but it's not the end. To prove your strength, you must beat me in a battle.
Seraphim: Why must we do that? Is it just a waste of time?
Kiya: You must prove to me you are worth my time joining you, and if you choose not to fight, I will cut you down right now.
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