13 episodes
Episode 1
"A Quiet Death"
Aug 24, 20202.1k views
Episode 2
"Sadness Of The Prince"
Aug 24, 2020352 views
Episode 3
"Funeral & Lilies"
Sep 11, 2020762 views
Episode 4
"The Curious Stableboy"
Nov 06, 2020535 views
Episode 5
"Midnight Visit"
Nov 13, 2020453 views
Episode 6
"Sneaking Out"
Feb 12, 2021290 views
Episode 7
"Encounter With The Lilium"
Mar 02, 2021279 views
Episode 8
"Where Would You Find Such A Flower?"
Apr 16, 2021259 views
Episode 9
"Leave It To Me"
Sep 27, 2023185 views
Episode 10
"Studies To Tend To"
Oct 04, 2023178 views
Episode 11
"Return of a Knight on Duty"
Oct 14, 2023183 views
Episode 12
"The Acting Ruler"
Nov 02, 2023154 views
Episode 13
"Judgement Of The Lilium"
Nov 12, 2023149 views
"Regicide : Lilium" is a black and white silent comic.
It began in the Kingdom of Lyra.
Prince Adrian is set to succeed his ailing father, King Arnam as the next in line for the throne.
Fueled by jealousy and an unmitigated thirst for power - the court and the brother to the king, Uncle Denam, begins their plot to seize the crown from within.
Adrian meets a young squire, Olyver. Together they form a promise, an unbreakable bond.
Destiny is a cruel mistress and she plays her cards one night, upon the spilling of royal blood.
Their bonds are tested, and vengeance joins as one with fate's design.
-Where the soul and the devoted meet again at the touch of the Lilium-
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Hello, I'm Stevie Kushon.
While not working at my day job, I write alot of my webcomics in the drama, horror and romance genre.
I am currently working on Regicide: Lilium, (a silent webcomic). I am excited to share the story with everyone and hope it's something you will look forward to.Read more
"Regicide : Lilium" is a black and white silent comic.
It began in the Kingdom of Lyra.
Prince Adrian is set to succeed his ailing father, King Arnam as the next in line for the throne.
Fueled by jealousy and an unmitigated thirst for power - the court and the brother to the king, Uncle Denam, begins their plot to seize the crown from within.
Adrian meets a young squire, Olyver. Together they form a promise, an unbreakable bond.
Destiny is a cruel mistress and she plays her cards one night, upon the spilling of royal blood.
Their bonds are tested, and vengeance joins as one with fate's design.
-Where the soul and the devoted meet again at the touch of the Lilium-
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