"Hi, guys! It's me again, Avery, for another episode of Avery Day. If you're new to my vlog, please subscribe to my channel, like this video, and click the notification bell so you'll be notified whenever I upload a new video." Wink.
"Anyway, for those who have been following me, you all know that I'm still exploring this beautiful city of Forthworth, right?", I glanced at the wall clock—8:39 a.m. "So for the next few episodes, I've decided to go around the city to try and find some good spots where I can probably hang out during my down time, or just...whenever I have certain food cravings." The last part said almost in a whisper.
I then went to my desk to check if there are still some documents for enrolment I might have forgotten.
After, I went to get my bag and double checked everything before I left my flat.
Outlets and switches...check.
I slowly made a twirl and looked at myself in front of this full body mirror. Straightened up my outfit a little bit and tucked some baby hairs behind my ears.
Me with a cute outfit...check.
After being certain that I locked the door, I pressed the record button again. "So I'll be heading out now, and I'll be showing you around in a while. Stay tuned!" And my signature wave and smile. There.
I just finished recording the first part of my vlog, and like what I mentioned earlier, I just moved here in Forthworth City.
Forthworth City is like an island state. It's one of the oldest cities here in the country, yet the most modern even when it's miles away from the main group of islands in this country. It's also here where one of the most famous universities in the country can be found—the main reason why I decided to stay here. Coming from an island province in the western part of the country—Hatteras—I chose the usual route that students from the province take. That is, studying in a more known university in a bigger city. Also, there are no universities offering Interior Design back where I'm from.
The elevator's taking a while to descend. I wish no one would be around though. I still want to vlog a bit.
The elevator doors opened and there's a guy inside—wearing an all black outfit. I don't usually get shy when vlogging, but this feels different. As I stepped in and faced the doors, I tried to look at him using my peripheral vision; black hoodie, black cap, black runners, dark jeans, and also a black backpack. If he was wearing a black mask, I'd really think he's one of those guys from k-dramas that are up to no good. I smiled at the thought.
Okay, Avery. Don't judge a book by its cover.
I tried to check his reflection in the mirror and noticed that he's actually quite cute.
Wait. Scratch that. He's very handsome. The type that would pass as a celebrity—defined jawline, full lips, pointed nose, thick eyebrows, and deep set eyes that's...actually staring at me!
Fudge. He's staring at me!
"Eff-", I can't help but whisper to myself. I immediately tried to avoid his gazed and looked down. That was so embarrassing. He probably thinks I was checking him out, and seeing that I forgot to stop recording on my phone, he might even think I was trying to take a photo of him!
Although I normally consider this elevator one of the fastest despite me being on the 45th floor, I can't help but feel that it's slower than usual, and the distance between me and the guy not as great. Good thing a couple of people got in halfway through the descent, and I was able to breathe a sigh of relief.
When we reached the ground floor, I felt as though everyone left. I didn't try to look back and check whether he was still here and just got busy fiddling with my phone.
Reaching the basement parking, I immediately went to my parking spot where my silver Suzuki Jimny awaits. However, I can't help but marvel at this black Maserati Gran Turismo that's parked beside my car that I stopped in front of it.
“Excuse me”, a guy behind me said.
I was brought back to my senses.
“Sorry”, I replied. I must have stared at it for a long time. I didn't notice that there was someone behind me...that guy.
Still reeling from that elevator incident, I panicked. The documents I was holding fell and got scattered as though it was a confetti dropping in slow motion—uncertain if it was because of my embarrassment or because we were staring at each other.
He helped me picked it up. "Gosh, I'm sorry. I'm usually not this clumsy", I mumbled.
"It's okay", he replied in a cool manner.
I smiled shyly before getting in my vehicle. I can't help but shake my head at my clumsiness.
When I reached Forthworth University, the security won't let me in because apparently, I didn't have a parking permit.
"But, I'll just enroll. It won't take long", I appealed. "And where can I get a permit, by the way?"
"I'm sorry, but this is part of our proto-", he stopped when a vehicle came behind me. It was that black Maserati.
Black hood—that's what I'll call him—apparently his convertible roof's down and he called for the security.
After what seemed like a minute, the security got back to me. "You can go in. you're lucky that sir Ja-". I wasn't able to understand what else he had to say as his walkie-talkie started to get some feedback.
I was just thankful and somehow curious as to what black hood told him. Oh well, he probably just wants to get in right away.
"Dela Vega, Avery Jacqueline!", shouted the lady from the office of College of Fine Arts and Design (CFAD). I immediately went there and she had a few reminders for me. "All your requirements are okay. Now all you need to do is pay your tuition and we’ll see you in three weeks.”
“Thank you”, I answered.
I then decided to take a stroll around the campus and I can't help but be amazed with the structures. The CFAD building is like a contemporary museum that's defined by its curves, high ceiling, and floor-to-ceiling glass windows on its facade. It's an all-white building with a spacious lobby that serves as an exhibition hall for the students' projects.
While strolling, I noticed this park beside CFAD that seemed to had some small structures erected beside it. As amazed as I was, I decided to include it in the vlog. "So right now, I'm here at Forthworth University, in a park filled with various pavilions designed by architecture students. Let’s take a look!”
I pointed at a pavilion that's made of repurposed wood. “See, this one here is made of repurposed wood, I love how they were able to make this pavilion seem very fluid, yet rustic. I think that’s a tough thing to do.” Then pointed at others, “And here, on this side, there’s this very minimalistic pavilion made out of steel. It looks very chic.” And another one, “wait, I seem to love this combination of wood, glass, and steel. Wait. It’s a bit blurry, I’ll show you…”
While trying to adjust the focus of the camera, the screen just started registering black. I then tried to wipe the lens and a face showed up on the screen. "It's the cute guy!", I blurted as he looked at me with a smirk.
Wait. Did I say it out loud?
Please kill me now!
Bzzz Bzzz…Bzzz Bzzz…
The coaster pager buzzed, signaling that my order’s ready. I went to the counter to get it and immediately went back to my seat. Good thing I saw this shop. I was trying to look for a nice trendy place where I can vlog. One that's not near the university and that's not too crowded.
I tried to rearrange the things I ordered to take a flatlay shot that I can post on my instagram stories. Then I tried to think of the right things to say and started vlogging. “Right now, I’m in this cute milk tea place which I stumbled upon while I was driving around.” I then tried to pan the camera to show the entirety of its interior. “As you can see, everything’s pink which immediately caught my attention. I mean, who wouldn’t be able to resist pink, right?”
“Actually, I ended up ordering quite a lot, because they have a number of unique options here. Side note, this isn't really a mukbang vlog, okay? I’m sorry if you’ll see me eating a lot on this vlog”, I chuckled.
After trying out the foods and showing them, I slowly changed seats to be able to showcase more of the shop's features.
“I have to admit that I’m actually gushing inside because of the interior design. Aside from the pink theme, they have this white tiled walls resembling that of a bathroom, then they have a ball pool on this side, and a laundromat setup on the other side. Seriously, this place is very instagrammable!”
I setup my tripod and camera to take a picture of myself in the ball pool. Good thing there's not much people around that's why I was quite comfortable taking pictures alone.
“So that’s it for today’s vlog. See you again next time. Bye!”
When I noticed that I was able to take a lot of shots and the videos I took were already okay, I decided to take a seat and sort out all the photos I took. I wanted to see which ones I can post on my social media accounts.
I then looked around and noticed that there was a group of friends who just came in.
As much as I want to belong in a friend group, I’m more used to being alone. Back in Hatteras, I didn’t really have a close friend. And for as long as I can remember, I was a really shy kid.
I spent most of my time with my phone and laptop. In a way, social media became my escape. There, I met some friends—online friends. I then started to channel my creativity with the photos and videos I take, and I guess I used the right tags, because four years later, here I am.
At 18, I have a YouTube channel called Avery Day, where I share about the day-to-day stuff that I do—my daily routines, shopping hauls, make-up tutorials, beauty secrets, travel guides, even personal issues at times. Right now, I have around 50,000 subscribers on YouTube. And as for my Twitter and Instagram accounts? I think I have close to 100,000 followers. I usually earn five figures a month, which is pretty decent na considering that I did everything mainly for fun.
“Excuse me. You're Avery, right?”, asked a girl who approached me.
“Ah, yes.”
"Can I take a picture with you? You're actually one of my fave vloggers."
“Sure”, I smiled.
"Thank you so much. I wish I was as courageous as you. I also wanted to start a vlog, but I don't feel confident about it."
"I actually started that way! If you only knew. I still get a bit shy about it, but I just try to imagine that no one's around at times." I told her while chuckling a bit. "It kinda helps being prepared and knowing what to say, as well."
She had a huge grin. "Great to know. I'll try that. Really. Thank you!"
“You’re welcome”.
Every now and then, I’d get requests like that. It felt weird at first, but eventually, I got used to it. It doesn't happen frequently anyway.
The thing about being a vlogger is that some people know you, but not a lot do.
It’s kinda like being a celebrity—micro-celebrity—and you’re just famous among those people who stumble upon you and end up sharing the same interests. But for the most part, you’re just another normal human being with a huge online following—still not a mainstream celebrity that people deem worthy of a photo op.
My thoughts were cut off by that. A ball—from the ball pit—hit my head which made me instantly look back to try to check where it came from.
To my surprise, the cute guy was there at the ball pool, staring angrily at his friend that's laughing at him.
I just looked at them, confused.
“Fuck you, Kel”, he said in a low voice and his friend just kept laughing.
Then he stood up and approached me.
“I’m sorry. It was…my friend. He can be annoying sometimes”, he said in what sounded like a calming voice.
He looked back and gave his friend—who now has a mischievous grin on his face—a death stare.
While he did that, I can't help but stare at him. He really does look handsome up close. Even though I noticed it earlier, it still feels different being able to look at him thoroughly.
“It’s okay. Uh, I mean, it’s fine, cutie. Yeah, it’s fine…”, I stammered.
It was too late when I realized what I said. I hope he didn't hear it!
"What?", he looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"What, what?", I feigned ignorance.
“Did I hear it right, cutie?”, he said with a shadow of a smile on his face. “You really called me cutie”, he concluded.
Okay, he heard.
Should I come clean? Or should I not? Ugh. You're so frustrating, Avery.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay?” Ah, this is so embarassing. “It's just that I didn't know your name and in my mind, I guess, well..." I nodded slowly and I think he understood what I was trying to say.
He also nodded, seemingly acknowleding what I tried to tell him.
"It's Ethan, by the way", and he offered his hand in front of me.
I shook his hand since there was nothing I can do anyway. "Okay, Ethan, sorry.”
“It’s fine. There’s nothing to apologize for. I should be the one apologizing”, he said that as he pointed out again to his friend.
I nodded in response.
He just smiled back at me and left.
I can't help but heave a sigh of relief. I feel jittery whenever I see him. Even when I wanted to look back and stare at him again, I slowly got all my stuff and decided to leave.
Now I’m in my bed. It’s 2am and I just finished editing my vlog and scheduled it for posting.
I can’t help but think about the things that happened this day.
If I only have a diary, I probably would have written a lot about Ethan. I don't think Forthworth's that small for us to keep bumping into each other in one day.
And that brief conversation that we had, he didn't even ask for my name. Not that he needs to know, but it’s strange that he told me his name but didn’t ask for mine.
He keeps running in my thoughts that I can't sleep. So I picked up my phone and tried to look for his social media accounts. I know there’s probably hundreds of Ethan in this city, but I just wanna try.
I tried typing “Ethan Forthworth” on Instagram and Facebook, but it’s usually a foreign guy that shows up.
Next, I tried searching for “Ethan Forthworth University” on Facebook, and although there were a couple of profiles that popped up, none looked like him. Then I tried it on Google, and still...nothing.
Okay, so much for hoping I’d be able to stalk his social media accounts.
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