3 episodes
Episode 1
Ring The Bell!
Jan 19, 2022164 views
Episode 2
El despertar del finisher
Mar 09, 202250 views
Episode 3
High Flyer
Sep 21, 202324 views
An all-powerful human being has decimated humanity to 50 000 inhabitants and the final battle is to be fought in Bilbao.
No weapon affects him except american pro-wrestling attacks.
Several ordinary people will fight against this all-powerful being to save themselves... and their loved ones.
(Comic language only in spanish)
Un ser humano todopoderoso ha diezmado la humanidad a 50 000 habitantes y la batalla final se va a dar en Bilbao.
Ningún arma le afecta a excepción de ataques de lucha libre profesional americano, también conocido como pressing catch.
Varias personas de a pie lucharán contra este todopoderoso ser para salvarse ellos... y sus seres queridos.
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An all-powerful human being has decimated humanity to 50 000 inhabitants and the final battle is to be fought in Bilbao.
No weapon affects him except american pro-wrestling attacks.
Several ordinary people will fight against this all-powerful being to save themselves... and their loved ones.
(Comic language only in spanish)
Un ser humano todopoderoso ha diezmado la humanidad a 50 000 habitantes y la batalla final se va a dar en Bilbao.
Ningún arma le afecta a excepción de ataques de lucha libre profesional americano, también conocido como pressing catch.
Varias personas de a pie lucharán contra este todopoderoso ser para salvarse ellos... y sus seres queridos.
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